Looking beyond physical health for World Cancer Day 2020

For World Cancer Day we look at research registered at theISRCTN registry一种ddressing the impact of cancer beyond physical health.

February 4th, 2020 is the midpoint of the Union for International Cancer Control’s (UICC) three-year call-to-action of ‘I Am and I Will’. The theme ofWorld Cancer Day2020年要求个人,集体和政府承诺提高认识,降低死亡并改善受癌症诊断患者的生活质量。癌症超出身体健康和公平对获得护理的影响是UICC命名的关键问题,并且在此处注册的许多临床试验的重点ISRCTN registry

Beyond the physical impact

癌症诊断有效超越身体健康对病人和他们的照顾者。对心理和情感健康的影响可能会影响恢复以及生活质量。Studies registeredinISRCTN通过调查如何最好地支持患者来管理诊断的情感影响,从筛查测试到生存,解决了这一关键目标。



这ongoingProCeSS studyis investigating the impact of waiting times for a diagnosis on multiple parameters of distress in men with suspected prostate cancer. The aim is to determine the impact of uncertainty around waiting times between initial consultation, diagnosis, and treatment by comparing stress in men undergoing standard care versus a fast-track set schedule.

Distress around screening is not always solely due to the possibility of a cancer diagnosis. One in four eligible patients in the UK do not attend their cervical smears – a screening test where a small sample of cells is taken from the cervix and assessed for changes associated with cervical cancer. Patients来自各种人口统计未能参加国家cervical screening program, such asolder women一种nd居住在伦敦的黑人妇女,,,,cited embarrassment, fear of the procedure, and previous negative experiences as reasons for avoiding appointments.

一个NIHR-funded study目前招募的旨在了解宫颈筛查周围的焦虑,并使用它来提高出勤率和开发诊所信件的文本,以最好地解释结果和放心患者。

Beyond physical health in treatment

已知化学疗法会导致疲劳。Identifying patients who might suffer from higher levels of fatigue would allow healthcare workers to provide additional support for patients and manage their expectations.

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TR-FATIGUE研究旨在确定的影响一种nxiety, depression, and social supporton fatigue in colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy in France.


SomeISRCTN-registered trials are investigating how quality of life can be improved in the later stages of a patient’s journey with a cancer diagnosis and what interventions are beneficial to survivors.

一种Hong Kong-based trial一种iming to improve the quality of life of gynecological cancer survivors found that intimacy and sexuality were key issues for this population. The currently recruiting project involves a nurse-led intervention to improve intimate partner relationships, sexual functioning, and psychological adaptation following illness.

Breast cancer55岁以下女性的诊断率正在增加,由于治疗的改善,长期生存率也在增加。因此,劳动力中的幸存者有所增加。这bric@workstudyplans to investigate ifneurocognitive training has a positive impact on memory, attention, and emotional wellbeing in this population.

Beyond physical health for caregivers

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这UICC advocates that life-saving cancer diagnosis, treatment, and care should be accessible for everyone. Many

ISRCTN- 注册试验专门针对早期检测,并研究如何使诊断服务和教育如何更容易获得。

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers with vaccination against HPV (a common virus that can lead to cell changes in your cervix and cancer) and effective screening, yet there is still a disease burden globally.

这cervical cancer screening method used in the NHS screening program is not accessible globally. Visual inspection by health workers is the current WHO-recommended approach for screening in low-resource settings as it requires less infrastructure and staff training. The feasibility of implementing a cervical cancer early detection service in routine primary health care services is being assessed by theCare4afrique研究在贝宁,乍得,科特·伊沃尔和塞内加尔。

健康education interventions improved knowledge and confidence in women with regards to cervical cancer and screening.

IHEICCSWG试验investigated community health education on cervical cancer and screening for Ghanaian women and the impact it had on knowledge and perception of susceptibility and barriers and benefits to screening. The结果是BMC Public Healthfound that health education interventions improved knowledge and confidence in women about cervical cancer and screening.



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一项可行性研究询问“你知道你的皮肤吗?”评估了一项基于学校的干预措施,以增加青少年的防晒霜使用和皮肤变化的识别。这结果是BMC Public Healthshow the intervention had a positive impact on adolescent intention to use sunscreen.

Colorectal cancer screening is recommended for over 50-year-olds in Spain but uptake is low, so一种trial使用在线决策援助进行调查,以授权参与者做出有关筛查的明智决定。




随着癌症诊断的增加,需要研究的需求越来越多,以确保身体健康以外的患者的最佳结果。作为个人,我们可以通过支持癌症慈善机构,参与研究,请愿政府行动以及提高认识来实施变革。在2020年世界癌症日,什么可以并且会你要做reduce the impact of cancer

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