James Giordano

Prof. James Giordano PhD, MPhil, is Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program of the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, and Co-director of the O'Neill-Pellegrino Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA.

佐丹奴教授是一位研究员the European Union Human Brain Project, and serves as a member of the US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Advisory Council for Human Research Protection. His ongoing studies focus upon the mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders, neural bases of moral cognition and behavior, and the neuroethical issues generated by research and applications of emerging neuroscience and neurotechnology. In recognition of his work in science and ethics, Prof. Giordano was elected to the European Academy of Science and Arts.

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