Ranit Mishori, Karen Naimer & Thomas McHale

Ranit Mishori, MD, MHS, FAAFP is a Professor of Family Medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine where she teaches about Health and Human Rights course, directs her department’s Global Health Initiatives and serves as the faculty leader of the school’s Asylum Program. She is a medical consultant for Physicians for Human Rights.

Karen Naimer, JD, LLM, MA ,is the Deputy Director of Programs and Director of the Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones, an initiative that bolsters the skills of doctors, nurses, police officers, lawyers, and judges to support survivors and to collect, document, and preserve forensic evidence to further prosecutions of and accountability for sexual violence. Naimer has extensive experience in international criminal law, international humanitarian law, and human rights law.

Thomas McHale, SM is Senior Program officer, Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones,– a forensic training and advocacy initiative. McHale has over 10 years of experience in global health and public health responses to sexual violence and gender-based research.

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