Monthly Archives:March 2013

BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation launches

There is an ancient link between sports and medicine. Galen, the Greek physician, wrote extensively on improving health through aerobic fitness and muscle tone, and the first Olympic athletes were trained by ancient Greek physicians largely using principles still applied today. The connection between athletics and medicine appears natural. Renaissance physicians developed a more complex…阅读更多 ”


Designing better web experiences for bioinformatics

最新一期的BMC生物信息学包括第一个将以用户为中心的设计(UCD)应用于生物信息学网站的“ How to”指南。在英国欧洲生物信息学研究所(EMBL-EBI)的用户体验(UX)专业人士撰写的这篇来宾帖子中,我们发现UCD如何积极影响生命科学中的科学发现。生物信息学服务可以…阅读更多 ”


BMC Women's Health celebrates Women's Day!

BMC Women’s Health is proud to participate in today’s celebration of International Women’s Day. Women’s Day is a chance to celebrate the achievements of women worldwide and draw attention to the challenges that women many still face in contemporary society. We are privileged to publish and communicate high quality research regarding the physical, mental, and…阅读更多 ”



Getting positive about negatives • Nematode model of early exposure to genotoxicants • Possible non-genetic factors in polydactyly • A birthday gift for Charles Darwin • Resistance without the antibiotics • The splice is right for Apolipoprotein B • Pop science influences public debate Psychology: Getting positive about negatives The BMC-series launched its newest…阅读更多 ”

Biology 药物

Acupuncture awareness week

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine supports the publication of high-quality research into acupuncture. Last week was Acupuncture Awareness Week, an initiative supported by the British Acupuncture Council which aimed to better inform the public about this complementary therapy. Acupuncture is an ancient system of treatment, and is one of the most widely accepted forms of…阅读更多 ”


Bionanotechnology in BMC Biochemistry

As a dynamic open access biochemistry journal, BMC Biochemistry strives to keep abreast of the latest advances in the field. In recent years bionanotechnology and biosensors have emerged as a booming area of biochemistry research. A particular focus of the community has been the use of nanoparticles and nanostructures to build novel molecular systems and…阅读更多 ”
