
Among the many strategies that prey species use to avoid being eaten is camouflage但是,如果猎物物种以不同的颜色形态和不同的栖息地类型存在,该策略将如何影响?Arecent experiment来自瑞典Linnaeus大学的研究人员和芬兰的ÅboAkademiUniversity使用侏儒蚱hoppers调查了这个问题。研究人员没有使用天然掠食者,而是更靠近家实验主题。这里,BMC生态学与研究的高级作者教授安德斯·福斯曼(Anders Forsman)谈论人类如何在生态研究中制作有用的实验“掠食者”:


As an evolutionary ecologist, I’m interested in how different processes generate patterns of biodiversity, both within and among species. I’m particularly intrigued by colour polymorphisms.

Fig 2 Karpestam et al BMC Ecology 2013 13, 17在这项研究中,我使用了侏儒蚱hopper,也称为松鸡蝗虫。小(最多15毫米的身体长度),昼夜,地面昆虫,居住在欧洲,亚洲和北美的不同栖息地类型。

这些动物提供了一个旺盛的多态性的经典例子,并被用作研究生物,以解决罗纳德·费舍尔(Ronald Fisher)在1930年代在有关遗传学和选择方面的问题。在tetrix subulata, which is the species used for the present study, morphs range in colour from black, via various shades of brown to light grey or almost white. Together with my PhD students and field assistants, I have collected grasshoppers from different areas since 1995. Differences among colour morph frequencies within populations demonstrate rapid evolutionary modifications in response to environmental changes.

例如,我们在最近的一项研究中报道(Evolution 2011,65:2530-2540) that the incidence of the melanistic black form ofT. subulatawas considerably higher in recently burned areas with sooty backgrounds blackened by fire than in non-burned areas. Furthermore, the black morph declined very rapidly over time in post-fire environments, associated with recovery of vegetation and the gradual disappearance of burned substrates.

Previous studies have shown that colour morphs inT. subulataare genetically influenced and not affected to any important degree by developmental plasticity. It has been confirmed that colour patterns affect the susceptibility of pygmy grasshoppers to predators, but whether the dynamics of the polymorphism inT. subulata可以通过系统地研究视觉捕食者施加的选择性制度中的栖息地类型之间的差异来解释。

2. What methods did you use to investigate this?

在this study, we used a computer game approach to estimate and compare rates of detection of different colour morphs, and to examine whether differences in relative protective value among morphs are consistent, or whether they change across habitat types.

具体而言,我们在计算机屏幕上展示了人类的“掠食者”,其中包括天然黑色,灰色或条纹蚱hoppers的图像,以针对绿色,中级(CA 50%烧伤)或完全燃烧的天然侏儒蚱hopper栖息地的照相样品。指示人类参与者搜索蚱hopper并使用鼠标单击。如果参与者点击了蚱hopper图像,则计算机程序将结果记录为“正确”,并提出了背景和蚱hopper的新组合。如果参与者在没有蚱hopper的背景中单击某个地方,或者在60秒内根本没有单击,则该程序将结果记录为“错误”。

为了检查这种方法是否对野生捕食者相互作用,选择和进化产生了可靠的推论,因此,我们使用计算机筛选的人类比较了人类的检测率与先前的研究结果(J Evol Biol 1999, 12:391-401)自由放养的恢复历史T. subulata使用个体来获得对同一三个形态的捕获率(人类)和存活率的独立估计。


2. And what was the main finding to come out of this work?

First, the proportion of grasshoppers that were detected depended on both the colour pattern of the prey and on the type of visual background, and further that no single colour morph offered superior protection against all backgrounds, demonstrating that crypsis is context-specific.

其次,颜色模式对人类在二维代表中检测到的一动蚱hoppers的图像相对容易的影响类似于颜色模式对人类在自然中检测和捕获自由态的活的蚱hopts的能力的影响环境。更重要的是,计算机屏幕上的检测率与条纹,黑色和灰色女性生存的独立估计值相关T. subulata在野外,因此表明人类的检测率可以可靠地预测自然视觉掠食者(例如鸟类)所施加的选择。






It is possible to test for effects of colour pattern on survival of pygmy grasshoppers in the wild. I did just that in previous study (J Evol Biol 1999, 12:391-401). I captured more than 440 grasshoppers and then manipulated their colour pattern by painting them striped, black or grey. Next, I released them and estimated and compared survival based on recapture histories. Such studies yield information indicative of natural selection on colour pattern in the wild. However, they are very cumbersome and time consuming. To carry out such manipulative mark-recapture experiments in different habitat types with sufficient levels of replication simply would not be feasible.

S Harold CC0另一个重要方面是,通过将人类用作掠食者,可以确定结果确实反映了不同类型的猎物的难度。在某些情况下,猎物个体可能不会仅仅因为捕食者未检测到猎物。但是,捕食者也可能检测到猎物,但将其误认为是不可食物的。例如,条纹侏儒的蚱hopph的变体非常相似,至少与人眼,干云杉针。





5. In your field studies, the grasshoppers were caught by hand – is this likely to introduce any biases into your findings?


6.谁做你的招募作为这些“人类之前dators”, and what did they make of the experiment?

We used friends, colleagues and students at Linnaeus University that were kind enough to volunteer as predators in these experiments. These 27 men and 27 women ranged in age from 17 to 63 years. All had normal or corrected to normal vision, and they were not colour blind. Generally, they were excited, eager to perform the best they could. Some found the task very difficult and others found it easy – largely depending on which treatment they had been assigned to. Afterwards, most participants thought it was a really cool experiment and they were all curious to know whether they had found more grasshoppers than their friends.

7. Have there been other studies that have used humans as experimental “predators”? What did they find?


8. Where will the results of this work take you next?

我和我的合着者Einat Karpestam博士和萨米·梅里拉塔(Sami Merilaita)副教授计划了一系列未来的实验,这些实验基于这种方法和我们以前的发现。例如,雌性侏儒蚱hoppers比男性大,并且在每种性别内的颜色变体之间存在差异。检查视觉捕食是否可以帮助解释这些模式会很有趣。



安德斯·福斯曼(Anders Forsman)安德斯·福斯曼(Anders Forsman)在乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)动物生态学系博士学位的研究生涯开始了他的研究生涯,在那里他首次开始研究捕食者 - 挑战的互动和局部适应,并使用岛屿的田野田鼠和常见加法器作为模型系统进行研究。在斯德哥尔摩群岛的锯齿形图案和黑色人物加法器上工作时,他对维持多态性的维持感兴趣。当他搬到悉尼大学(University of Sydney)时,他对动物颜色模式的功能性方面的迷恋加深了,他是里克·辛(Rick Shine)实验室的博士后研究员。1994年,他在乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)担任助理教授,并启动了一项关于侏儒蚱hoppers颜色多态性的原因和后果的研究项目。1998年,他离开了乌普萨拉(Uppsala),并以讲师和副教授搬到Växjö大学。他于2002年成为进化生态学的教授,目前在卡尔马的林纳大学(Linnaeus University)上。

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