
From physicians assisted suicide to children’s end-of-life care,BMC姑息治疗published a range of exciting papers in 2015. Here is a sample of the journals most popular papers, representing the past year of research.

Initial development and psychometric testing of an instrument to measure the quality of children’s end-of-life care

对于我们中的许多人来说,姑息治疗与老年和绝症患者有关。不幸的是,许多孩子也患有威胁生命的状况。儿童通常无法提供他们对由于年轻或疾病类型而获得的临终护理质量的看法。在一项发表的研究中BMC姑息治疗in January 2015, Widger and colleagues describe that pediatric palliative care is hindered by the lack of a well-defined and reliable method for measuring the quality of end-of-life care in children. The researchers believe that parents are the best proxy for the experience of their child. The study therefore tried to develop and test an instrument to measure mothers’ perspectives on the quality of care received before, at the time of, and following a child’s death.

In this study, the researchers used literature search, focus groups and psychometric testing in order to provide a valid and reliable way to include the voice of bereaved parents in assessing the quality of end-of-life care for children. The outcome is the identification of 10 domains important to high quality care and a method for measuring quality care. These findings are valuable for health care professionals and decision-makers to support children and their families during a time of great suffering.

‘I want to feel at home’: establishing what aspects of environmental design are important to people with dementia nearing the end of life

在线(2015)BMC姑息治疗:2015年评论©Freshidea / fotolia

Not many people know the environment in which their lives will come to an end. The design of the environment in which dementia patients live has been explored by researchers in the past. It should reinforce personal identity and aid in maintaining their abilities. What about dementia patients nearing the end of their lives? Have people suffering from dementia and who are under palliative care special requirements? In this study published inBMC姑息治疗2015年5月,研究人员调查了物理环境的各个方面,这些方面对于支持痴呆症患者的姑息治疗方法中的良好生活质量很重要。

Richard Fleming and colleagues set up focus groups at three sites on the east coast of Australia. These included recently bereaved family carers, people with dementia and health care professionals working with dementia patients on a palliative care ward. The latter group defined design to facilitate a good duty of care as the most important. Dementia patients and family carers on the other hand articulated the importance of being in a calm, private environment where they can feel at home. Furthermore, having comfort through engagement and the opportunity to use technology to remain connected are important.

Communication between family carers and health professionals about end-of-life care for older people in the acute hospital setting: a qualitative study

在线(2015)BMC姑息治疗:2015年评论©Monkey Business / Fotolia

The importance of effective communication between health care professionals and the relatives of a patient is known. Knowledge gained from research has influenced the practice of health care professionals and has also been incorporated into the training curriculum of future physicians and nurses. Effective communication between hospital staff and relatives is particularly important in the case of dying patients. A qualitative study published inBMC姑息治疗2015年8月,旨在了解影响护理质量的因素和过程,特别是在医院工作人员与亲戚之间的沟通方面。Caswell及其同事专注于在急性医院环境中死亡的老年人,重点是家庭护理人员的角度。



Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide is a topic that provokes strong reactions and has sparked many debates in recent years. In particular the case of a murderer who has asked to be euthanized in Belgium at the beginning of the year has received wide-spread attention. From a legal standpoint, the global situation varies. Some countries have legalized euthanasia, others allow assisted suicide, but in the majority of countries no legislation is in place yet. As we discuss the ethics and politics of such a debate, it is sometimes forgotten how those who would deliver such a treatment feel, the palliative care professionals.

Syringe 2In a recent study published inBMC姑息治疗Zenz和同事调查了医生和护士参加安乐死或辅助自杀的意愿。作者分析了德国姑息治疗专业人员的450多个问卷回答,而安乐死是非法的,但允许自杀。研究人员得出的结论是,在最终将进行安乐死并协助自杀的专业人员中,受访者更愿意执行后者。相对于非最终患者的不情愿要大得多。有趣的是,作者报告说,姑息治疗专业人员对安乐死和自杀的普遍接受是很高的。但是,采取生命终止措施的实际意愿很低。

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