

Twenty years and still counting: Including women as participants and studying sex and gender in biomedical research

性别,性别,种族,年龄和获得护理是确定人口是否可以从临床研究结果中受益的重要因素。1994年,实施了一项美国联邦法律(1993年的NIH振兴法),该法要求进行研究人员进行研究。精神科医生和耐心National Institutes of Health, to include women as well as men in clinical trials and analyze the results taking sex or gender into consideration. Inclusion of women in research requires changes to the way in which the research is designed.

In this paper by Mazure and Jones, the authors chronicle the changes in the recommendations and requirements of both the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the acceptable conduct of research in relation to sex and gender. The importance of ensuring that women are represented in clinical trials and biomedical research and ultimately obtaining results which can lead to improved health and healthcare is highlighted.

The effect of abortion on having and achieving aspirational one-year plans

There are a variety of reasons women choose to have abortions. It has been reported that financial circumstances, preparedness to have a child and relationship problems are among the top reasons that women opt for an abortion. A number of the reasons suggest that proceeding with an unintended pregnancy can be regarded as interference in future plans and that an abortion would help in achieving personal goals. In this prospective cohort study of women recruited from 30 abortion facilities across the United States, Upadhyay and colleagues report that ensuring women have access to an abortion should they choose to, enables them to be optimistic about the future and achieving their aspirational life plans.

Integration of HIV and cervical cancer screening perceptions and preferences of communities in Uganda

Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women globally. HIV/AIDS is also a major cause of death worldwide, more so in developing countries with Sub-Saharan Africa being the most severely affected. It has been reported that women with HIV infection have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Kumakech and colleagues conducted a qualitative study in three districts in Uganda to explore perceptions and preferences of community members regarding the integration of HIV and cervical cancer screening services in a single-visit approach.


Pain-preventing strategies in mammography: an observational study of simultaneously recorded pain and breast mechanics throughout the entire breast compression cycle


乳房X线摄影是一种对某些女性可能很痛苦的程序。De Groot及其同事进行了一项观察性研究,以深入了解乳房X线摄影中的疼痛策略。在整个乳房压缩周期中,他们同时记录了疼痛和乳房力学的水平。参与者使用自定义的转弯旋钮记录他们在乳房X线乳房压缩期间以及胸部厚度,压缩力接触区域和接触压力的疼痛经历。

Findings from the study showed an increase in the average pain score during the clamping phase and the proportion of women who experienced extreme pain increased from 23% to 50%. Up to 4 days after the mammogram, moderate pain was reported. It was also found that women with smaller breasts reported higher levels of pain and higher contact pressures with pressure that increased at the highest rate. The authors suggest that further research needs to be conducted on pain preventing strategies which include using a personalized compression protocol whereby the same target pressure at the same, slow rate is applied and also shortening the phase during which the breast is clamped.

Media coverage of violence against women in India: a systematic study of a high profile rape case


Flickr用户Shravan Samurai的图像
Flickr用户Shravan Samurai的图像

On December 16, 2012 a 23 year old female student was gang-raped on a bus in Delhi. She succumbed to her injuries and passed away on December 29th, 2012. Philips and colleagues carried out a systematic study whereby they searched two news databases and individual newspapers for English-language published media reports covering the gang-rape, to investigate the media’s role in the spread of information from local to a global scale and its impact.


Thematic series launch: The Role of Structural and Interpersonal Violence in the Lives of Women


本系列专题的目的是建立一个strong understanding of violence against women, and identify structural inequities that make women vulnerable to numerous forms of violence such as abuse, physical assaults, or criminal acts. Interpersonal violence is one of the most common forms of violence against women and refers to everyday violence which includes sexual and physical assault that occurs between family members, intimates, or acquaintances. Structural violence refers to social arrangements which harm or otherwise disadvantage individuals.

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