积极的精神病学,合并症和综合心理保健 - RCPsychic 2016

At the end of JuneBMC Psychiatry在tendedRCPsychIC 2016在伦敦。年度国际大会Royal College of Psychiatrists是精神卫生专业人员最大的聚会之一,在精神病学研究的领先地位展示了令人兴奋的发展,代表人数接近3,000。今年的RCPSsych惯例的主题是精神病学:大脑,身心;该计划涵盖了精神病学研究,实践和政策的各个方面。

今年的RCPSsychic是在不确定的背景下进行的。the convention followed hot on the heels of the UK’s monumental Brexit vote, and with the on-going insecurity surrounding the junior doctor contract dispute, the unscheduled focus of the congress was unsurprising the uncertainly surrounding the future of mental health care in the UK healthcare system.

该大会以开创性的主题演讲者为特色。其中,诺贝尔奖获得者约翰·奥基夫他的研究提供了一个令人着迷的摘要,该研究将海马作为大脑的认知图。其他更轻松的主题演讲包括喜剧演员Jo Brand讨论她以前从事心理健康护士的职业和记者约翰·斯威尼(John Sweeney)demonstrating the very real possibilities of ‘brainwashing’ by getting an auditorium full of psychiatrist’s dancing to the Bee Gees’!


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该公约的一个主要重点是合并发生多种患有精神疾病的慢性病。特别是,几次会议集中在糖尿病与精神疾病之间的界面上。在其中之一中,卡罗尔·坎(Carol Kan),克里斯托弗·加勒特(Christopher Garrett)和奥马尔·穆斯塔法(Omar Mustafa)讨论了方面,包括对II型糖尿病和抑郁症的共同遗传风险的证据,以及对精神病患者的适当糖尿病的重要性。

许多其他课程集中在神经病学与精神病学之间的界面上。迈克·迪利(Mike Dilley)强调脑损伤患者抑郁症患病率受到先前的心理健康,伤害严重程度和社会支持的因素的影响。尽管这些患者在神经精神上的评估更为复杂,但许多心理治疗选择可能有效地改善情绪。Niruj Agrawal然后讨论癫痫患者评估和治疗抑郁症的复杂性。因此,癫痫本身或抗癫痫药物可以自相矛盾地模仿或掩盖抑郁症的症状。最后,Andrea Cavannagave an overview of the co-morbidity of psychiatric disorders and movement disorders. In Tourette’s syndrome, a spectrum of disorders characterized by involuntary movements, most patients have at least one psychiatric disorder, with 36% of patients exhibiting an affective disorder such as depression.

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Integrated practice

在初级保健环境中提供精神保健的综合护理计划是否有益于患者的长期结局?目前正在进行许多研究,以回答这个复杂问题的各个方面。Stephan Priebediscussed whether continuity of care is beneficial to the patient, i.e. should the same psychiatrist (or team) provide both in- and out-patient mental health care? Preliminary results from the UK portion of theCOFI研究,对集成和功能系统进行大规模比较,表明综合护理可能是有利的。莎拉·道林(Sarah Dowling)概述了正在进行的QuEST study,,,,which aims to assess the quality of supported accommodation, a key aspect of mental health rehabilitation. Rehabilitation psychiatrist Sri Kalidindi then talked about the challenges and successes of a program to integrate physical and mental health care in South London. She highlighted the need for more preventative measures, including the need for early intervention services (such as theOASIS服务),并改善了教育和培训,以帮助人们在精神和身体上保持良好状态。

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