Mother’s Day and Maternal Health

母亲节是纪念母亲和有影响力的母亲般的人物的特殊场合。这是庆祝孕产的一天,也是通过善良行为和赠予母亲的礼物来表达爱,感激和赞赏的时代。世界上不同的地区观察到母亲节在不同的日期。它是在3月或5月的几个月中最常庆祝的,今年在英国母亲节将在3月26日星期日举行。这个母亲节,加入BMC怀孕和分娩in exploring and highlighting the importance of maternal health.

母亲形成一个在生活的重要组成部分eir children, families and society. Improvement of maternal health was one of the eight important aims of the千年发展目标(MDGS)(a set of targets established to meet the needs of the world’s poorest by 2015). To build upon and carry on the momentum generated by the MDGs, a post-2015 agenda has been produced which is referred to as theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)。可持续发展目标是到2030年“改变我们的世界”的17个目标,其中之一与孕产妇健康有关。

孕产妇死亡率已经下降almost 50% since 1990, with Eastern Asia, Northern Africa and Southern Asia seeing a decline of around two thirds. Despite the declines reported, maternal mortality is still unacceptably high with 99% of maternal deaths occurring in low and middle income countries.

Flickr用户Terence Nance的图像(CC By 2.0)
Flickr用户Terence Nance的图像(CC By 2.0)

据悉around 830 women每天因与怀孕和分娩有关的可预防原因而死。解释的主要并发症nearly 75%在所有孕产妇死亡中,包括怀孕期间的高血压(前宾夕法尼亚和eClampsia),严重的出血,感染,分娩并发症和不安全的流产。子痫前期发生2%至8%在所有怀孕中,已被发现是主要原因of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality and yet themajority of casescould be avoided if women received timely and effective care, delivered according to evidence-based standards.

From 1990-2015 maternal mortality declined from385 to 216 deaths per 100,000live births. As part of the SDGs, the target is to further reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births. Adolescent pregnancy remains a主要贡献者to maternal and child mortality. Globally, it has been found that complications linked to pregnancy and childbirth are the第二领先cause of death, suicide being the first, amongst girls aged 15-19 years old. This risk is highest for those under the age of 15. One of the specifichealth SDG targetsis to ensure the provision of and universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including family planning, education, and the integration of reproductive health in national strategies and programmes. Although it is known that adolescents have an increased risk for poor maternal and infant outcomes, there are a limited number of studies published in the area of adolescent utilisation of critical maternal health services. The reasons for this are not clear although it could potentially be due to challenges with collecting data from this cohort.Banke-Thomas及其同事report the need for more robust evidence on use of maternal health services by adolescents and the need to improving education and removing financial barriers to their access to care.

© Zffoto / Fotolia
© Zffoto / Fotolia


在获得综合的紧急产科护理和医疗援助方面,机构的出生率提高和改善是减少孕产妇和新生儿死亡的中心方法。调查结果Maru and colleagues,证明个人选择家庭分娩而不是在尼泊尔提供机构交付服务的人可能不一定是由于患者的偏好而这样做,而是由于社会经济对结构性障碍的脆弱性的结果。


© Luis Louro / Fotolia
© Luis Louro / Fotolia

It is clear that more needs to be done to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. This includes addressing issues related to barrier to healthcare and medical provision, equal treatment of people regardless of ethnicity, backgrounds and age, as well as ensuring equitable access for the most vulnerable girls and women to health services. Violence and discrimination against women are factors which must also be tackled to ensure maternal mortality is reduced.


如果您有兴趣阅读有关此主题的更多信息,请访问BMC怀孕和分娩website. The following are a few of the interesting picks and recent publications in the journal:


Assessing emergency obstetric and newborn care: can performance indicators capture health system weaknesses?

Impact of the roll out of comprehensive emergency obstetric care on institutional birth rate in rural Nepal

Afghan migrants face more suboptimal care than natives: a maternal near-miss audit study at university hospitals in Tehran, Iran


Immigrant and non-immigrant women’s experiences of maternity care: a systematic and comparative review of studies in five countries

Maternal health, morbidity and mortality


A narrative synthesis of factors that affect women speaking up about early warning signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia and responses of healthcare staff




影响低收入国家 /地区青少年母亲利用孕产妇卫生服务的因素:系统评价

The causes of maternal mortality in adolescents in low and middle income countries: a systematic review of the literature

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