Monthly Archives:2017年7月

Protecting the next generation from Hepatitis B


Today, the 28th of July, is World Hepatitis Day and this year’s theme is ‘Eliminate Hepatitis’. One
critical aspectof the global strategy to eliminate viral hepatitis is protecting future generations from Hepatitis. In this piece we explore recent advances in the prevention of transmission of Hepatitis B from mother to infant.

A recently publishedarticleinBMC Gastroenterology在丙型肝炎的背景下,洞悉挑战和新策略,以消除孕产妇传播至婴儿传播。

Studies of safety and efficacy, such as that of Sun and colleagues, begin to establish the foundations of preventing disease transmission from mother to child, and highlights the challenges of establishing drug safety during pregnancy.

Developing World 健康 Medicine

Diet segregation in American bison of Yellowstone National Park

Bison 1

Large mammals like bison often show substantial disparity in size between the sexes. These size differences can also result in other differences in behaviour. In this guest blog, John Berini and Catherine Badgley discuss their new research,最近出版BMC Ecology, that examines how differences in diet can cause male and female bison to become spatially segregated during certain times of the year.


Accelerating ethics review during disease outbreaks: what we can learn from West Africa’s Ebola Outbreak

Ebola virus

During public health emergencies, potential treatments must be studied in a timely manner while also maintaining ethical integrity. In anarticle最近出版BMC Medical Ethics,艾米莉·阿里罗尔(Emilie Alirol)等。discuss their experience with ethics review during the 2013-2016 Ebola Outbreak, and provide recommendations to accelerate the process in the future.

健康 Medicine

分类革命?带有Sandy Knapp的问答对电子广播的影响


The often rather staid science of taxonomy was firmly shaken up six years ago when plant taxonomists voted at their International Botanical Congress to allow publications describing the naming of new species in online-only journals. This change (soon also implemented by animal taxonomists) was accompanied by a level of furious debate which may surprise outsiders. Six years on, as plant taxonomists meet in Shenzen, China for their2017 Congress,我们与之交谈桑德拉博士Knapp, a key advocate of these changes. She explains why the use of e-publications was so controversial and discusses her new research,最近出版BMC Evolutionary Biology,that examines the initial impact of this major change.

Biology Open Access 出版

清理公共卫生威胁 - 恒河


India’s Ganges river is one of the world’s most polluted bodies of water. A promise to clean India’s holiest river was made by prime minister Narendra Modi in his 2014 election campaign who stated this would be a national priority. However, to this day, there has been no indication of efforts made to reduce pollution to the river. Last week, the National Green Tribunal, India’s top environmental authority, issued strict regulations and has banned the dumping of waste within 500 metres of a heavily polluted stretch of the river.

Developing World 健康

Machine Learning to Predict Childhood PTSD


在美国,超过20%的儿童将在16岁之前经历一次创伤事件,但有些儿童将继续发展创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。我们怎么知道哪个孩子有PTSD的危险,以便可以防止它?一篇文章published todayinBMC精神病学, is the first of its kind to use machine learning to identify risk factors for childhood PTSD. In this blog, author Glenn Saxe tells us more about his research
