
• Choosing a women’s health career • (Cost-)effectiveness of an internet-based physical activity support program (with and without physiotherapy counselling) on physical activity levels of breast and prostate cancer survivors • Motivators and barriers to vaccination of health professionals against seasonal influenza in primary healthcare • BMC Rheumatology celebrates its one year anniversary • BMC Series welcomes new journal: BMC Chemistry • New thematic series: Machine learning for computational and systems biology

BMCMedical Education选择女性健康职业



在一个recent publication by伊莎贝尔·C·格林(Isabel C. Green)及其同事,作者研究了哪些因素在确定学生选择OB Gyn职业方面最重要的因素。通过与选择专门研究妇产科的学生的访谈,Green等人。发现教学的哪些方面以及哪些医学前学校经历最有可能引起对该领域的兴趣。

BMC癌:(成本 - )基于互联网的体育活动支持计划(有或不进行理疗咨询)对乳房和前列腺癌幸存者的水平的有效性:Pablo试验的设计


新出版物BMC癌经过范·韦尔及其同事看了看协议ai的巴勃罗试验ms to promote physical activity in breast and prostate cancer survivors. The trial will be using an internet-based support program to help survivors meet recommended guidelines for activity.


BMCHealth Services Research:Motivators and barriers to vaccination of health professionals against seasonal influenza in primary healthcare

作为winter approaches, the public is often encouraged to seek influenza vaccination, especially for young children and the elderly. However, another high risk population which can be overlooked is health professionals. Health professionals are exposed to unique risk factors and so ensuring that they are vaccinated is especially important.

Davorina Petek和Kristina Kamnik-Jug最近的文章BMCHealth Services Research研究了为什么斯洛文尼亚卫生专业人员的疫苗接种率正在下降。他们发现,某些卫生专业人员没有接种疫苗的原因有很多不同的原因。其中最重要的是以前的负面经历,不了解对此的需求。这项重要的研究有助于为在该领域完成进一步的工作铺平道路。

BMCRheumatologycelebrates its one year anniversary

11月底是启动一周年BMCRheumatology在过去的一年中,该期刊在该领域发表了许多令人兴奋的文章exploring osteoarthritis patients’ beliefs regarding pain细胞因子在类风湿关节炎中的作用。作为BMCRheumatologyapproaches the beginning of its second year it will continue to publish and promote exciting new research for its readership.



The BMC-series has long been known for its journals covering the fields of both biology and medicine, but in January 2019 the series will be welcoming a new field:BMCChemistry.

在一个recent blog经过Samuel Winthrop it was announced that Chemistry Central Journal will be renamed toBMCChemistry2019年1月,成为第一份基于化学的BMC系列杂志。





自从2000年发表第一篇文章以来BMC生物信息学不断旨在在生物信息学研究的最前沿,随着领域的发展而发展和发展。这种传统一直持续到今天BMC生物信息学proudly presents a brand new section: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics.

To celebrate this event, the journal and its Section Editor Professor Jean-Philippe Vert are pleased to announce the thematic series “Machine learning for computational and systems biology”. The thematic series is open for submissions until May 6Th2019 and further details can be foundhere


