

BMC BioinformaticsNovel deep learning model for more accurate prediction of drug-drug interaction effects

对许多疾病的最有效疗法通常是药物组合的结果。在癌症,高血压,哮喘和艾滋病病例中,给药多个分子会导致药物效率的提高,并降低靶细胞的毒性和耐药性。然而,不同的分子也可能以有害的方式相互作用。因此,了解患者是否处方多种药物的重要性。已经进行了不同的研究,试图预见体内可能的药物相互作用。体内testing is often limiting because it requires a long time to screen different compounds.In silico相反,研究被证明更强大。

Figure 1, Lee。,

通常,计算方法考虑了分子的已知特征,例如结构,目标和副作用。李本月发表的一篇文章等。inBMC Bioinformatics显示了formulation of a new deep learning model to predict drug-drug interaction, that takes into consideration three concepts: target similarity profiles (TSP), Gene Ontology (GO) term similarity profiles (GO term gives information about the gene function, where it acts inside the cell and in which biological process it is involved) and Structural similarity profiles (SSP). Three similarity profiles are traced for any given drug pair. These are then joined together to provide an estimation of the level of interaction between the two molecules. This approach allowed the authors to identify, with the same or greater accuracy, drug-drug interactions that were characterized using different methodologies.

BMC Cancer年轻患者肺腺癌的分子特征

©Christian Darkin/Science Photo Library

Incidence of lung cancer in the population increases with age and it is rarely diagnosed in young people. It has been shown that clinic-pathological features of lung cancer in younger and older patients are not the same. However, previous research in the field has not shown conclusive results and still remains elusive.

In this study carried by researchers of Zhejiang University (China), specimens of cancer cells from 89 young patients (35 years old or younger) with adenocarcinoma were analyzed. The majority of patients were women and only 1 in 10 were smokers.

Prognosis was also seen to vary according to the mutations involved in cancer onset.

Next-generation sequencing was used to identify the mutation of 59 cancer-related genes. The most frequently mutated genes identified were ERBB2 (Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2) and EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor). Fusion of ALK (Anaplastic lymphoma kinase) and ROS1 (receptor tyrosine kinase) genes was also characterized as responsible for oncogenesis. No significant correlation was seen between the mutations (or fusion) identified, the gender or the smoking habit of the patient. Overall, a prevalence of ERBB2 mutations was characterized in well/moderately differentiated tumors, while EGFR mutations and ALK fusions were identified in moderately/poorly differentiated tumors. Prognosis was also seen to vary according to the mutations involved in cancer onset.


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Maternal mortality rates in developing countries are still unacceptable and although policies were made by local governments, around 830 women still die every day because of pregnancy or childbirth complications. 99% of these deaths happen in developing countries and they are, in most cases, preventable.


Women also reveal that often the quality of care is not adequate

A qualitative study inBMC怀孕和分娩调查了不使用提供初级卫生保健设施的妇女危险选择的原因。通过焦点小组的讨论使作者能够确定这种趋势背后的一些主要主题。参与者强调了到达卫生中心的困难,因为铺好的道路不存在,并且使用可用的不良道路是有风险的。获得运输平均值和到设施的距离的困难也被确定为重要的障碍。




BMC Palliative careDesigning and developing a co-produced theoretical and evidence-based online support for family caregivers of people with dementia at the end of life

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BMC肌肉骨骼疾病Corticosteroid injection for plantar heel pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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发表在BMC肌肉骨骼疾病gathered together trials and studies on the topic and elucidated in which occasions injections are effective and when they are wrongly prescribed. The review showed that Corticosteroid injections prove to be effective in the short term, in comparison to autologous blood injection, orthotics or physiotherapy. However, in the long term, platelet-rich plasma or dry needling seem to have better results. Therefore, the Corticosteroid injections would act as a placebo. Remarkably, the effect of the steroid injections seems, therefore, minimal. Further clinical trials could provide us with a better understanding of the most effective ways of treatment for this condition.

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