Highlights of the BMC Series: May 2020

如果癌症患者参加临床试验会更好吗?• Future delivery of a net-negative European power system • Nurses using computerized decision support systems perform better than GPs in telephone triage • New method to distinguish closely related species of butterflies • Route of administration impacts the pain-relief efficiency of buprenorphine in dogs


Trial participation has not been found to provide better outcomes for cancer patients than standard care. With nearly据估计是由于癌症造成的六分之一的死亡,,,,interest in innovative cancer research and treatment breakthroughs is high. A先前的研究表明,提供给癌症试验参与者及其医师的信息可能会产生误导,而信息集中在积极的结果上,几乎没有关于参与的不利影响或缺点的信息。这可能会模糊治疗与研究之间的边界,从而相信在临床试验中提供的最佳癌症治疗方法。通过访谈和对文献的系统评价,尼尔森。explored how physicians and nurses perceived the benefits of clinical trial participation and whether clinical trial participation provided better outcomes for cancer patients. Interviews revealed that there is a widespread belief amongst nurses and physicians that treatment for cancer, in the context of a clinical trial, is better than standard care. Many believed that recruiting patients to trials is a way to give them access to cutting-edge treatment. A search of the literature found no support for the belief that treatment in clinical trials is superior to standard care, despite rapid developments in cancer treatment in recent years. Lack of trial reporting transparency was also said to contribute to the belief that participating in trials is associated with better outcomes. Patient information sheets for cancer clinical trials should be designed to be free of suggestions that trial participation is the best treatment option for cancer patients. The focus should be shifted to encourage trial participation to further knowledge, to the potential benefit of future patients.


高可再生能源系统方案以及低水平的负排放技术(例如碳捕获和储存)可以在2050年到2050巴黎气候协议for limiting average global temperature rise to ‘well below 2°C’ above pre-industrial levels. Gaffney等。建模的减排、技术操作,and system costs for the year 2050. The analysis was designed to also include short time windows, to gain insights into the impact of high levels of variable renewable energy sources. It was demonstrated that high renewable power systems, coupled with negative emissions technologies, such as biomass carbon capture and storage, can deliver a net-negative European power system at lower costs, without breaching published sustainable biomass and geological storage potentials in Europe, with the opportunity to contribute to power system inertia. This study offers a first step in the comparison of future decarbonization scenarios and highlights concerns with system operation, economics, and emissions reduction, at a European scale.

BMC家庭实践 -在过时的初级保健中,由全职医生或医生进行的安全性,效率和与健康相关的电话分类质量:一项准实验性研究,使用电话分类质量评估(AQTT)来评估音频记录电话

Nurses, using computerized decision support systems, performed better on a large number of health-related items than GPs, in telephone triage. Out-of-hours primary care services are increasing in a number of regions around the globe. Telephone triage is instrumental in the management of patient flow and workload. However, ensuring triage services are safe and efficient remains a challenge. Some countries, such as Denmark, use GPs to primarily perform triage services. However, this is hotly debated since many countries report increasing shortages of GPs, and GPs have self-reported high stress and burn-out symptoms. Graverson等。研究了由GPS,使用计算机决策支持系统的护士或具有不同医学专业的医生进行的,由GPS分配的丹麦户外初级保健服务的随机样本。使用计算机决策支持系统的护士在大量与健康相关的项目上的电话分类中的性能要比GPS更好,但缩水水平较低,但效率较低。由护士领导的Triage为高GP工作负载提供了一种解决方案,但需要进一步的研究,因为电话分诊服务可能需要更少的GP,但是可能需要更多的GPS来满足时间外服务需求。

BMC Research Notes-多重PCR,用于鉴定两个蝴蝶姊妹物种:Eurema mandarinaandEurema hecabe

已经发现了一种多重PCR方法可以准确且可靠地区分紧密相关的蝴蝶物种。在昆虫中,密切相关的物种通常很难或不可能仅通过形态学特征来区分。现有技术,例如使用线粒体DNA标记,并不总是用于具有复杂基因组历史的物种。Miyata等。开发了一种多重PCR方法,以扩增和区分三糖磷酸异构酶的序列(TPI)两种日本草黄蝴蝶的基因(Eurema mandarinaandEurema hecabe)。这method designed was found to easily, reliably, and cost-effectively distinguish between two species of butterfly. TheTPI发现基因序列足够可变以区分不同的物种,但足够不变,可以在物种内设计底漆。这TPIGene为多路复用PCR的标记发展提供了潜在的靶标,以区分其他方法,当其他方法不可用时。


Route of administration has been found to influence the analgesic efficiency of buprenorphine in dogs. Buprenorphine is used for postoperative pain management in cats and dogs, for example, in routine spays, known clinically as ovariohysterectomies. Previous studies have described the pharmacokinetics of the drug, however, the pharmacodynamics effect of this drug has not been consistently reported in these studies, which is important for understanding the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of the drug in companion animals. Steagall等。在一项蒙面临床试验中,随机狗在静脉内或皮下静脉内或皮下术后接受卵巢切除术和疼痛在狗的格拉斯哥复合疼痛量表上对肌电进行。对狗的血液样本进行了药代动力学分析。丁丙诺啡的皮下给药由于吸收不稳定而无法提供足够的镇痛作用。与静脉内或肌肉内接受丁丙诺啡相比,该组中的狗得到了最高量的救援疼痛。在给药的剂量下,对于术后丁丙诺啡镇痛,优选静脉内和肌内给药途径。

