
冠状病毒大流行一直处于今年许多研究人员思想的最前沿。一个最近的出版物BMC生物信息学马克·D·坦普(Mark D. Temple)研究了一种有趣的新方法,该方法结合了音频和视觉信息来分析病毒的RNA序列数据。用他自己的话,他讨论了他如何以这种独特的展示病毒基因组的方式到达。

我最近写道an article对于BMC描述了使用声音来描述冠状病毒基因组的功能。这是一篇令人困惑的文章,因为我陷入了有关科学和艺术的束缚。我正在写一篇具有艺术成分的科学文章。我是在创建技术听觉显示器还是在创作音乐音乐?我想我实际上是在做两者。从那以后,我意识到我正在将“ A for Art”添加到科学技术工程和数学中,以使Ste(A)m。我做了既有功能又有创造力的东西。我认为如果听起来不好,那么人们就不会将其用作科学工具。


Temple, M.D. Real-time audio and visual display of the Coronavirus genome. BMC Bioinformatics 21, 431 (2020)
Temple, M.D. Real-time audio and visual display of the Coronavirus genome. BMC Bioinformatics 21, 431 (2020).
Temple, M.D. Real-time audio and visual display of the Coronavirus genome. BMC Bioinformatics 21, 431 (2020)

I also created an animated display which is synchronised to the audio. The animation scrolls the genomic sequence across the page as if it was interacting with proteins inside a human cell. I did this because I want the user to see the sequence pass by as you hear the audio. Our eyes are attracted to things that move and we naturally listen for patterns in what we hear. I thought the combination of the two would be greater than either in isolation. The music is never going to replace a well-designed (but silent)基因组浏览器但是,与视觉浏览器同步的音轨可能有助于解释复杂的基因组序列。


What is the music trying to say?



To understand the music, you need to imagine that you are inside a human cell, you are a machine (such as a ribosome complex) moving along the viral genomic RNA sequence and converting it into a protein sequence, like a train running down a track. The music of translation begins at a slow tempo whilst we listen to an untranslated region. As we run into a gene sequence, another instrument starts to play the sound of a new protein being made and the music picks tempo up. Occasionally the music pauses in silence as we pass a cleavage point in a coronavirus protein. Almost randomly, syncopated high pitched notes sound out as we pass important regions called stop codons. Conversely, the effect of a start codon may be heard for many minutes after the text sequence has scrolled off the screen. The sound of these and other genomic attributes gives a narrative to the music.



在我提交手稿进行审查后的几天里,我有‘so called music’of the coronavirus genome in my head. I was wondering if other people would also consider it musical. Music can be inspiring, it should be creative and it can stir human emotion. In contrast, the sound of the coronavirus genome is minimal, repetitive and systematic. To make genomic data more musical I thought I should add some musicians into the mix. Literally!

我的音乐家朋友(迈克·安德森(Mike Anderson))和我进入了音乐工作室。我们在大型音响系统上大声播放了冠状病毒基因组的声音。我们设置了鼓声和一个响亮的吉他放大器,并与序列一起演奏。我对此进行了简单的录音,并称其为Coronacode音乐。


一个fter producing Coronacode music it made me think more about generative music (from a computer) versus musical improvisation. When we played along to the code it restricted what we were able to play and this constraint was a source of creativity. It snapped us out of our usual musical patterns and made us play something new. The repeating nucleotides A, U, G and C combine with the repeating drum pattern of kick, snare, tom, kick! Long guitar tones soften the incessant pulse of the coronavirus.

Growing up in public.

这种方法对我来说是新的。我认为苏的使用nd to convey patterns in scientific data (sonification) has not yet come of age. Anecdotally I would say there is still skepticism within the scientific community regarding the value of sound. However, since computer browsers are now more capable to process data into audio and visuals I think we will see more instances of its application. If the audio and visual displays are tightly coupled and work together in harmony, then I think it will not only sound good but it will be more informative.

