埃玛拉兹介绍博士,博士沙龙Taylor, Professor Trish Greenhalgh

Dr. Emma Ladds is an academic GP trainee at the University of Oxford. She splits her time between seeing patients and carrying out research in the university. She is particularly interested in more ‘social’ interventions in primary care but during the Covid-19 pandemic has been involved in running a clinical trial for a Covid therapy and has tried to capture and communicate some of the stories of those living with sequelae of the infection.

Dr. Sharon Taylor is a consultant in liaison child and adolescent psychiatry at St Mary’s Hospital London and has also completed specialist training in pediatrics. She is a personal tutor at Imperial College school of medicine, an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College, and the joint trainee program director for higher trainees on the St Mary’s higher training scheme in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Sharon specializes in the mental health sequelae of physical illness and has herself had long term complications and organ pathology from Covid-19.

Professor Trish Greenhalgh is an academic in the University of Oxford’s Primary Care Department. Her work focuses on using evidence and narrative-based approaches to implement complex interventions within health systems and policy. This has been of particular relevance during the Covid-19 pandemic in a number of areas from the use of face coverings and social distancing to the emergence and story of long Covid

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