
The conference, organized by St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and The Biomedical Center, included 21 presentations, followed by articulated discussions. The invited speakers were prevalently oncologists, evolutionists/geneticists, and evolutionary oncologists. The purpose was to see what current theories are there in oncology now and what the problems are, how evolutionary theory decides the problem of progressive evolution, and what would be the acceptance of the new theory – the evolution by tumor neofunctionalization theory – by representatives of oncological and evolutionary theories.
In particular, the session on oncological concepts discussed serious problems in the current oncological theory. Especially brilliantly it was shown by Professor Imyanitov in his presentation “The controversial aspects of fundamental oncology”. To the session contributed other oncologists – Professors Anisimov, Bershtein, Zabezhinskii (Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, St.Petersburg), Kisseljov, Gurtsevich (Blokhin Oncology Center, Moscow) – outstanding representatives of Russian oncological community. The general understanding was that the oncology is on the eve of serious reconsideration of some basic concepts, including the concept of malignancy.
Most of the presentations related to the evolutionary oncology were from Dr Kozlov’s group. He stressed that there is an important transition from the hypothesis to the theory which is connected with accumulation of the evidence and book publication, but also with confirmation of nontrivial predictions. Dr Kozlov published for the first time the hypothesis in the 1970s,over 35 years ago. But, as physicists say, all theories are hypotheses anyway. The current theory explains many things, predicts several things, and suggests the new strategy in the war with cancer.
Kozlov的Collaboratos在金鱼引擎盖和进化新的基因上进行了7种进一步的演示。全新的杰出演示由Emelyanov博士和Kate Matyunina博士,当前的博士后博士。Emelyanov博士开发了一种转基因反演鱼肿瘤模型,并表明在肿瘤衰退期间在肿瘤衰退期间活化1500个基因。Matyunina夫人分析了这些基因,发现它们相当一部分是鱼类的进化新颖,在人类中保存,确定了形态创新等渐进角色。这两个演示文稿为整个会议发挥了关键作用,因为他们提出了支持证明的直接证据。
最后,Chubenko博士表示关注the new approach in cancer therapy, i.e. metronomic chemotherapy, which may constitute a part in the new strategy of fighting tumor as suggested by the theory – keeping the tumors in chronic controlled condition and trying incorporate tumors in the network of functional feedbacks.



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