
Angela K. Pannier博士是内布拉斯加州林肯大学(UNL)生物系统工程系的教授兼生物医学工程师,并在外科部门任职,玛丽和迪克·荷兰再生医学计划(内布拉斯加州大学医学中心)(UNMC)。帕尼尔博士是一名资助高度的研究员,一直是10个项目的主要研究者,发表了45篇手稿,3章,超过85个会议录音/摘要和2项专利。她在基础研究资金(例如AHA科学家发展赠款,NSF职业,NSF MRI)和行业资金(JA Woollam Co.等)方面一直很成功,但也已经成功地将她的工作转化为农业应用和研究资金(USDA AFRI)。Dr. Pannier was awarded the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award (DP2) in 2017 for her pioneering work in gene delivery, and is the first Nebraskan to ever earn this honor.In 2017 she worked as a visiting scholar at the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung in Dresden, Germany. Dr. Pannier has proudly mentored 14 graduate students and over 45 undergraduate students in her lab; she currently is mentoring 7 graduate students and 4 undergraduate students. Dr. Pannier has served as the Biomaterials Track Chair for the 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, and is a current member of the Nanoagents & Synthetic Formulations Committee for the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy.She has also been active in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Institute of Biological Engineering, and the Society of Women Engineers. Dr. Pannier serves on the editorial board for Experimental Biology and Medicine and Regenerative Medicine Frontiers.In 2019 Dr. Pannier was awarded a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for 2017.