Tyler A. Elliott, Tony Heitkam, Robert Hubley, Hadi Quesneville, Alexander Suh, & Travis J. Wheeler

Tyler A. Elliott is the Data Management Lead (Informatics Unit) at the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics at the University of Guelph, Canada. His interests include the origin and evolution of TEs across the Tree of Life, including their patterns of diversity and abundance within and across genomes

Tony Heitkam is a scientist at the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). She aims to understand the biology and evolutionary history of plant genomes as well as the genome's organization into chromosomes -- all with a focus on the role of repetitive DNA and transposable elements.

Robert Hubley co-leads the Dfam project at the Institute for Systems Biology. His research focuses on generating new computational methods for modeling and annotating TE families.

Hadi Quesneville is research director at INRAE, the France's National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, for which he is Chief Data Officer. His research encompasses tools and methods development for data annotation, data integration, and information system federation.

Alexander Suh is a lecturer at University of East Anglia (UK) and social media editor for Mobile DNA. His research group focuses on understanding evolution of animal genomes from the perspective of transposable elements, endogenous viruses, and germline-restricted chromosomes.

Travis J. Wheeler is an Associate Professor in the University of Montana Computer Science department. His research touches on statistical models, algorithms, and visualization for biosequence annotation.

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