MSF’s Scientific Days: embracing fear in a changing climate

Médecinssansantières(无国际民正在MSF)于2019年5月9日至10日在伦敦的皇家医学协会举行了第十六届年度科学日计划,BMC很荣幸能参加并成为正式赞助商。每年在科学时代,MSF都会汇集代表 - 通过其现场直播,来自世界各地的虚拟受众 - 分享人道主义医学计划中的最新研究和创新。在这里,安娜·勃罗(Anna Brow)分享了今年活动的概述。


在今年的年度科学日会议上Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF)在伦敦,代表们敢于拥抱恐惧。从对未知挑战的恐惧到我们在人道主义援助的前线上看到的已知威胁,主持人鼓励我们朝着这种恐惧构成真正的变化而努力。

詹姆斯·奥宾斯基(James Orbinski)博士发人深省的主题演讲提醒我们,最重要的问题是多层的,需要整体上接受。Orbinski博士在复杂的地缘政治系统和气候变化之间绘制界限,认为创新的根源是对人民和星球的尊严和尊重。

Dr James Orbinski delivers his keynote address on Medical Research Day. Dr Orbinski has been associated with MSF since 1990 and is currently the Inaugural Director of the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research at York University, Canada. ©MSF

Within this thesis, 14 presentations on MSF field research broke down into four arguments:

  1. Including patients in decisions about their own care;
  2. 应对人类行为的复杂性;
  3. 专注于留下的人;和
  4. 定义无国界医生在气候破裂挑战中的作用

“We are not living on this planet: we are living in and through it.”– Dr James Orbinski

By including people in making decisions about their own care, we enable agency. We learned about how women who are at risk of HIV feel empowered through获得每日预备药物, and that it’s the small things that make a real difference inpalliative care.

But, stigma and shame is a powerful deterrent to care – especially for disfiguring or sexually transmitted infections. From HIV and Visceral Leishmaniasisco-infectionsto the growing need forsnakebite antivenins, those affected are the most vulnerable. This year, MSF campaigned successfully for the WHO to recognize snakebite treatment on their neglected tropical disease list. This success shows MSF’s strength in advocacy, but we still have more to do.

Within these considerations was the overarching issue of climate change. What will we do when unlivable climates displace more people? The conversations are still ongoing as stories from the field continue to emerge. We will learn how to use our voice to continue advocating for the forgotten.

“去恐惧的地方!无论您在哪里感受到恐惧,这就是您知道变革即将到来的时候。”- 埃迪·奥本(Eddie Obeng)

没有创新的研究是什么?科学时代的第二天与埃迪·奥本(Eddie Obeng)的互动和充满活力一起进行了活动主题演讲. He challenged the audience to scrap the ego, reminding us that humility and really listening are crucial to innovation.

主持人开发了这个go where the fearismantra. Work from Nigeria, Lebanon, and Greece showed the power of social media as a collaborative tool for健康倡导. We heard a debate about the issues and opportunities in big data, and a panel encouraged the audience to analyze and question the current approaches to palliative and ‘women’s healthcare’.

An engaged MSF Scientific Days delegate posing a question to the panel. ©MSF

大数据影响我们所有人,但数据收集nique concerns in a humanitarian context. An部门间小组debated problems of data protection and security, creating ripples of agreement and disagreement across the room. Alexandrine Pirlot de Corbion reminded us that the core of MSF’s humanitarian mandate is to protect data – so we need to make decisions about how to use that data responsibly.

“We have to stop seeing abortion as a women’s issue and start seeing it as a healthcare issue.”– Dr Manisha Kumar

姑息治疗和治愈性护理之间存在错误的二分法。我们看到了MSF团队如何在阿富汗实施成功的新生儿姑息治疗框架整合姑息治疗within existing curative care frameworks. Dr Nikola Morton expressed her hope that all MSF operations will integrate palliative care as a core part of their humanitarian work.

In her compelling presentation, Dr Manisha Kumar called to MSF staff to accept abortions as a core aspect of healthcare. She called out a lack of knowledge as the root of misconception – in both those seeking abortions and those providing them. We learned that not only do 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion, but also the procedure is safer than an injection of penicillin.

“没有人类的人道主义是什么。在这一切的中心,我们只是人。”– Muneera Williams

科学时代的人群最喜欢?诗人兼激进主义者穆纳拉·威廉姆斯(Muneera Williams),每节课的雷声摘要使观众唤醒了观众。她抓住了谈话的核心,以反映无国界医生的工作和愿景。

在她的最后摘要中,穆纳拉(Muneera)敢于我们改变。她敢于观众勇敢 - 拥抱我们可以说“我不知道”的空间。MSF的创始人建立了该组织,以填补一个空白,使他们感到不舒服和恐惧。在这一差距中,他们发现我们有能力见证,恢复尊严和希望。今天的任务与MSF继续面对这一挑战一样真实:让我们看看我们可以在下一步遇到什么障碍。

MSF welcomed Rapporteur Muneera Pilgrim to Scientific Days 2019. Muneera joined us to observe and humanise the medical research being discussed by writing and reciting her unique brand of poetry. ©MSF

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