Monthly Archives:September 2019

World Contraception Day: Unintended Pregnancy in America


The unintended pregnancy rate in America is astoundingly high (nearly 50%) and minority women, particularly Black and Hispanic women are at almost twice the risk of unintended pregnancies as Caucasian. The negative implications of an unintended pregnancy can affect a woman’s social, emotional and financial stability. On a national and worldwide level, unintended pregnancies have…Read more »


Suicide in the criminal justice system

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September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. As part of Springer Nature’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are endeavoring to help raise awareness of SDG 3.4.2 – reduce suicide mortality rate. In this blog, Amanda Perry, guest editor of a recent collection inHealth & Justice, discusses the important topic of suicide in the criminal justice system. Plus, check out morecontent we’ve made available in support of World Suicide Prevention Day.


It’s not just a headache! A patient’s perspective on the advances in migraine treatment over the last 25 years

Stressed woman

Usually,The Journal of Headache and Paininvites researchers to write about advances in the migraine treatment and report on their research. For this year’s Migraine Awareness Week we wanted to hear the patient’s perspective on improvements in migraine treatment. In this Q&A Victoria Hentschke interviews a colleague who has suffered from migraine for 25 years.


How do sex hormones influence migraine?

The concept of migraine at the black background

On the occasion of the Migraine Awareness Week 2019, we’ve invited Dr. Bianca Raffaelli Junior Fellow of the European Federation School of Advanced Studies (EHF-SAS) to tell us about the influence of sex hormones on migraine and her current research project.

Biology Health

The New Era Of Disease Modifying Migraine Drugs (DMMDs)


On the occasion of Migraine Awareness Week 2019, we’ve invited Martina Guglielmetti, resident in Internal Medicine at the University of Sassari and junior headache researcher, to tell us more about the so called ‘disease modifying migraine drugs’ and their mode of action. For more details on this topic and on recent advances in migraine treatment, readThe Journal of Headache and Pain’scurrent thematic series ‘The changing face of migraine’.

Biology Health Medicine