新冠肺炎and Tuberculosis: Pandemics on Collision Course

One tiny casualty of COVID-19, as shutters were hastily pulled down on events and businesses throughout the UK, was the World Tuberculosis Day symposium that we hold annually in London, to share research and celebrate the people involved in controlling this much older disease. Wanting to still mark the day, three TB clinical researchers had an online conversation about the effect that COVID-19 would have on TB patients and control programmes, which has been published as a mini-review in临床微生物学和抗菌剂的年鉴

我们似乎对流浪汉有简短的回忆。非典的爆发,即,埃博拉病毒和新流感trains didn’t appear to have raised the fear of a new true pandemic into the global consciousness. That was certainly true for me, and I was an infectious diseases professional, albeit working on one of our older and more respectable pandemics, tuberculosis (TB).





The effect on TB

泰(Thay)同意,不可避免的是结核病患者和对照计划以多种方式遭受痛苦。结核病患者会犹豫要去卫生中心,因为人们担心受到污名化,或者由于锁定而无法进行。结核病诊所的员工会减少,因为许多人会被重新部署或生病。资源将不得不专注于最有需要的人,而忽略任何传染病控制计划的重要方面 - 寻找新病例,并调查和预防传播。还同意,包括整个非洲大陆在内的低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC)将在健康方面更加挣扎,并且在经济上,随着全球衰退的可能性。在任何国家,最贫穷的部分都会受到最大的影响。

资源移动的一个切实迹象是,多个Cepheid GenExpert机器(广泛用作结核病的第一行诊断)正在转移到COVID-19测试。在尼日利亚,在非洲拥有结核病最大的负担 -每年超过40万例和> 150,000例死亡- 这些机器中有300台被转移到Covid-19响应中。


I have often marvelled at cities – how the complexities of achieving even Maslow’s most basic needs are met daily. What comes to mind are the needs for systems, and for being able to view multiple levels – from the big picture down to the details of the pipework.

Public health systems are the same – and just as cities tend to attract more and more people, so health systems seem to be asked to take on more and more responsibilities. They are always strained, but they – mostly – work at the level at which they are funded.


It’s therefore no surprise that rare and unpredictable cataclysmic events are not adequately funded or prepared for. One question for later, our minds having been focused by a genuinely global catastrophe, is how we do this better? How do we deal with events that are transnational in a world of nation states? In economics there are often winners and losers, but with infectious disease, there are no borders and no winners.

In economics there are often winners and losers, but with infectious disease, there are no borders and no winners.



We produced part of the installationonline,显示来自结核病患者和医护人员的报价。我脑海中贴上的短语是一名结核病护士,他说“您要做的一切”。也许是夜间掌声that is happening in parts of the world for the healthcare staff, could continue, as a thanks to all the people our world depends on?


因此,我们注视着三个大流行病 - 结核病,艾滋病毒和库维德19-一起崩溃。这将是凌乱而复杂的,系统和人们将遭受痛苦。目前,Covid-19将吸引注意力和资源,除了下一周或一个月外,很难看待任何东西。但是随着时间的流逝,将有良好的诊断,并且将引入系统以进行跟踪和跟踪。触摸木材,会有一种疫苗。

And then perhaps, it will all settle down, and we can start to forget again.

