认识SDG3研究人员s: Pablo Gaitán-Rossi

Pablo Gaitán-Rossi is a health researcher at EQUIDE, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City. His research focuses on health equity, well-being and social policy. His academic interests are on food insecurity; mental health; and maternal health and early child development.

欢迎来到我们认识SDG3研究人员博客集合。我们正在采访一系列在不同领域工作的学者和从业人员,以实现Sustainable Development Goal 3:确保健康的生活并促进所有年龄段的人。您可以在此集合中找到其他帖子这里,并发现Springer自然在迈向实现这一目标的金博宝网站进步方面所做的一切SDG3 hub.


Research teams that defy traditional academic boundaries are those doing truly innovative and applied research.

一开始,学科之间的侧面需要额外的工作,但事实证明这是一个优势,尤其是在与多样化的研究团队合作时。如今,我经常发现自己是在他们的研究中违背传统学术界限的同事中,并且不喜欢被装箱成一个狭窄的学术领域。我相信这些团队正在做真正的创新和应用研究。在低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC)实现健康平等成为我的目标,我为此而努力EQUIDE– an interdisciplinary research institute focusing on equity at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City.

Left: Palenque, Chiapas. People coming to an appointment at a primary care health center. This is the setting for Prospera Digital training sessions – a mobile health pilot intervention to address maternal and child health and development. Right: Invitation to a training session of Prospera Digital in Zinacantepec, Puebla. Photo credit: Renata Gerdes

I am currently concerned with how the COVID-19 pandemic is striking LMICs, with the potential to backtrack the slow progress we were making towards equity in health.

我将无法自己做这项工作。在波士顿学院获得博士学位时,吉姆·卢本教授帮助我了解了基本研究方法,并在我们的研究中旨在采取高质量的措施。在Equide,Mireya Vilar-Compte博士教我如何进行研究和传达发现 - 数百小时定义了我们的结果告诉我们的故事。最近,拉斐尔·佩雷斯·埃斯卡米拉(RafaelPérez-Escamilla)教授向我展示了我们的研究如何通过影响健康政策的巨大发病率。需要一个村庄来推进研究议程。


我的工作 - 我们的工作 - 在几个方面一直与SDG3密切相关。我目前关注的是COVID-19大流行如何引人注目的LMIC。这种范围的危机证明了以前的结构缺陷 - 与资金不足和零散的卫生系统一样 - 有可能回溯慢速progresswe were making towards access to quality essential health-care services (SDG 3.8).

I recently co-edited a special collection oninequities in health and health systems in Latin America and the CaribbeaninInternational Journal for Equity in Health. The collection clearly shows the many challenges the region was already facing. Yet, we are starting to see worrisome findings on how, with the COVID-19 pandemic,孕产妇死亡正在增加,更严重地影响LMIC。

And let´s not forget other interrelated consequences, especially with mental health (SDG 3.4). As in other countries, compared to pre-pandemic levels, we identified a notoriously high prevalence ofanxiety沮丧在墨西哥,集中在低收入家庭中。重要的是,它很强烈associated with food insecurity(SDG 2.1) and with other coping strategies, like acquiring debt.

Itzincab, Yucatán. “Huerto de Traspatio” – a food garden intervention aiming to reduce food insecurity in the household. The program was a central feature of the intervention model of “Haciendas del Mundo Maya”, a NGO whose mission is to improve income, housing, health, nutrition, and socio-emotional skills. Photo credit: Renata Gerdes

Our findings underscore the importance of social protection programs during health and economic crises. Moreover, they serve as警告标志更严重的结果, as the expected increase in suicides (SDG 3.4) amongst people with financial hardships.

Tixcacaltuyub, Yucatán. Handcrafts made my Mayan women as part of the “Taller Maya”, an initiative from the NGO “Haciendas del Mundo Maya”. Photo credit: Renata Gerdes

Doing this type of research during uncertain times is particularly difficult because the region needs to strengthen its early warning and monitoring systems to deal with disasters (SDG 3.d). Financed by UNICEF-Mexico, we timely gatheredkey health and social indicators与移动电话调查的基础上rigorous probabilistic sample designs. Publication of媒体媒体中的数据集和结果的演示helped to push the social protection policy agenda and prompted awareness from lay audiences.

我相信我们的工作将成为改善LMIC的准备和未来危机能力的先例(SDG 3.D)。我希望这项研究激发学生采取大胆的步骤来解决我们这个时代的紧迫问题。


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