
在一个预防自杀意识月的博客中,罗布·惠特利(Rob Whitley)主张一个更好的框架来理解和解决男性自杀Men’s Issues and Men’s Mental Health


加拿大,每年大约有3,000名男性因自杀而死,这转化为每周50多人死亡。在里面美国around 35,000 men die by suicide every year, which translates to around one every 15 minutes. This has led Professor Dan Bilsker to宣布我们正处于“男性自杀的寂静流行”之中。

A growing problem

Worryingly, rates of male suicide appear to be rising, after a period of declining rates. For example, a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)报告指出,在美国,经过年龄调整的男性自杀率显示出从1980年代中期到2006年的略有下降。


在deed, three of the central arguments of my upcoming bookMen’s Issues and Men’s Mental Health(Springer,印刷中)是男性预防自杀的主要方法(男性的心理健康per se)insufficiently address the issue because they:

  • Are too narrowly focused on the singular concept of masculinity, lacking peripheral vision to examine important aspects of social context;
  • 有时,通过将手指指向所谓的男性赤字,例如固执和沉默,以无助的“责备和羞辱”方法;和
  • 不足以以男性敏感或对男性友好的“优势方法”为基础,该方法以男性倾向和偏好为基础。

在stead of this rather one-dimensional and patronizing approach, I argue that a better framework to understand and address male suicide (and men’s mental healthper se)may be a public health framework known as健康的社会决定因素



Silhouette of a man's head


What are the common factors underlying high rates of suicide in the above groups? To a greater or lesser extent, men in these groups frequently face high levels of isolation, social stigma and financial strain. They may also be stereotyped on account of their demographic, and there may be a lack of public empathy for their plight, meaning few safety nets or supports.


事实上,男人的一个共同因素在这些团体may be real or perceived rejection from mainstream society, leading to ongoing feelings of disaffection and estrangement. In short, an underlying factor explaining high rates of suicide in such disparate groups may be a strong sense ofsocial alienation,,,,characterized by a diminished sense of meaning and purpose in life, which in turn can weaken primary生活的原因




Implications for prevention




And while the official mental health system indubitably has a role to play, locally grounded community-driven programs must also be tasked to help vulnerable men, especially asresearch表明男人通常喜欢这样的空间。

This can include local peer support groups, faith-based organizations or other non-profits. Such organizations are well placed to address the loneliness, social alienation and diminished sense of meaning and purpose in life that is often implicated in male suicide.


