成瘾应受到治疗,不要受到惩罚:接受诺拉·D·沃尔科(Nora D. Volkow)的采访

As part of the SDG3 good health and wellbeing initiative at Springer Nature, we talk to Nora Volkow, the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health, on her views about the treatment of addictions.

Nora D. Volkow, M.D., is the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health. A research psychiatrist and scientist by training, Dr. Volkow calls for a shift in US policies on drug addiction: For those with substance use disorders, treatment, not punishment.


Volkow博士讨论她最近的观点,,,,published inNeuropsychopharmacology,,,,医学和生命科学期刊执行编辑Elizabeth Yepez以及SN SDG心理健康研究小组的联合主席Rachel Daniel,Springer行为和健康科学书籍的编辑总监。



It is clear that the United States is currently reckoning with a long history of discriminatory and racist policies, many of which still continue today. The War on Drugs was no exception, and by incarcerating Black people at disproportionately high rates, it has had radiating effects into health, economic security and mobility, education, housing, families – areas intrinsically connected with the well-being and success of so many Black and other people of color. In science, we often must say that we don’t yet have an answer, that “more research is needed.” But the evidence here is straightforward and solid, and needs to inform an urgent conversation.

What is an example of a “public health-based alternative” to criminalization? Is there evidence that it can work?

作为帮助结束成瘾长期倡议或NIH Heal倡议的一部分,正义社区阿片类药物创新网络(JCOIN)多站点研究是基于公共卫生的方法的一个很好的例子。JCOIN研究正在调查为阿片类药物滥用和OUD在司法环境中增加高质量治疗和护理的方法。JCOIN将测试与地方和州司法系统以及基于社区的治疗提供者合作扩大有效治疗和护理的策略。此外,纽约的JCOIN枢纽还正在研究阿片类药物法院模型,以替代监禁,旨在减少过量,累犯,并改善使用阿片类药物使用障碍的药物的服务提供和连接。

We have serious work to do. There is stigma associated with drug use and addiction that is deeply ingrained in culture and society around the world. Many diseases, particularly mental health disorders, are stigmatized. As humans, we are taught to fear sickness, and to alienate what is different from us. But this is a losing proposition. We all get sick, we all have needs, and we all benefit from a system that works to treat diseases and conditions with evidence-based care and compassion. Making this cognitive shift will likely be critical to achieving the political will to implement a widespread public health approach.

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