Monthly Archives:July 2013

强调从EBPOM召开了2012年s published

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Based on transcripts from the 11th Congress in Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (2012) presentations held in London, this recently launched article collection is a selection of the highlights from last July. Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine ( is a not for profit project with the key objective of supporting the assessment, discussion and application of evidence…Read more »


Breast cancer takes the night shift

Today’s work place has notably shifted from the typical nine-to-five day enjoyed by previous generations. Be it the advent of new forms of technology or the need for 24-hour cover, the hours that employees spend at work varies considerably, perhaps none more so than in the medical field where healthcare professionals regularly work according to…Read more »


Insights into new anticoagulants – a new thematic series in Thrombosis Journal

For over 50 years now, vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin, have been prescribed as anticoagulants for thrombotic disorders. However, the recent clinical introduction of direct-action oral anticoagulants is predicted to change the landscape of these medicines. These new direct-action oral anticoagulants are most likely to be used in a significant number of patients with…Read more »
