The cost of diagnostic uncertainty: sorting out the tigers from the pussycats in childhood fever

缺乏针对儿童发烧的准确诊断测试导致了一种谨慎的治疗方法,通常涉及抗生素给药,有时还涉及医院入院。但是,随着抗生素耐药性的增加和伸展的健康服务,迫切需要改善的诊断。一个新研究BMC医学investigates just how impactful a rapid and reliable diagnostic test would be.


Because of the catastrophic consequences of missing a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection, a cautious approach to the management of the child with fever is often taken, involving extended observation, investigations, and precautionary use of antibiotics, often without definitive evidence of bacterial infections.




The cases of missed life-threatening SBI with catastrophic consequences are the cases we all remember. These are the cases which are reported in the media, and which provoke such fear and anxiety amongst parents and carers.

Not surprisingly, doctors working on the frontline, where febrile children are assessed, are also plagued with these fears. Doctors choose a career in medicine because they desire to alleviate human suffering, and the thought of ending up before a tribunal for negligence, is nothing short of a worst nightmare. The reality however, is that fatal SBI represents the tip of the iceberg, yet the fear of this extremely rare event drives a lot of clinician behavior in the assessment of the febrile child.


The lack of gold standard diagnostic tests which accurately distinguish SBI from viral infections presents a dilemma for clinicians. On one hand, there is the fear of misdiagnosis, parental anxiety and unrealistic public expectations that doctors should always have the answer. On the other hand, the reality is that most of these febrile illnesses are viral and will get better on their own.


Hospital admission is undoubtedly the safest option because any further deterioration will hopefully be monitored and urgent interventions can be instituted. However, this “safest option” is not without consequences: overuse of antibiotics, rising antimicrobial resistance and significant cost to the child, family, society and the NHS.

Increasing efficiency, reducing antibiotic use

, real-life study in Liverpool在欧洲最繁忙的儿童急诊室之一的6500多名儿童中,我们试图确定诊断不确定性在评估高温儿童时的潜在经济影响。该研究收集了有关在12个月内向大型儿童培养出来的所有发热儿童的数据。我们问的问题是:“如果有准确而快速的诊断测试可以自信地排除威胁生命的SBI,这会有什么区别?”。


If the cost of the uncertainty is significant, then the message to payers, providers and the diagnostic companies is still relevant. In order to make a difference, in high income countries, the diagnostic test does not need to be cheap; it needs to highly accurate, rapid, easy to use and widely available.

Our studyshows that the difference in healthcare resources and costs, between a child with a self-limiting viral illness who receives antibiotics and additional investigations, and a child who does not, is over £1,000. For infants under 3 months, where the risks of SBI are greatest, the difference in spending is even higher at over £2000.

Had an accurate diagnostic test been available, antibiotic use could potentially have been reduced by about 60%

If you scale these figures up to a medium-sized ED that sees 4000 febrile children a year, typical in many parts of England, it amounts to a staggering £1.3 million additional spending per NHS Trust each year. That is enough to fund, for example, an extra 25 band-6 nurses every year.



This research was conducted in a high-income country, but this is very much a global problem. New and better diagnostics, especially if they are affordable, will potentially have huge benefits for our health services world-wide, particularly in resource-poor settings, like in sub-Sahara Africa and rural Asia. 21stcentury global health challenges such as rising antimicrobial resistance cannot be tackled in isolation; they deserve global partnerships,像表演联盟.


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