Sport research for development and peace

标记第五国际运动日期的发展与和平日,尼克·海兰兹·怀特(Nick Hylands-White),数据库编辑器ISRCTN,看看涉及运动以促进健康和福祉的近期临床试验。


作为国际奥林匹克委员会主席托马斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach),定期强调, “sport is not just physical activity; it promotes health and helps prevent, or even cure, the diseases of modern civilization. It also is an educational tool which fosters cognitive development, teaches social behavior and helps to integrate communities.”

Sport for development and peace

Two studies underway in India (PAnKHJIAH) are finding ways to improve adolescent girls’ social and economic development. Using a blend of participatory learning and gender-mixed sports sessions they hope to impact on adolescent girls’ marriage, gender, education, and mental health attitudes, as well as socio-emotional and non-cognitive skills.

DaniqueP / SimplyHuman / Wikimedia Commons

kazibantukaziafyastudies see collaboration between universities in Switzerland, South Africa, Tanzania, and Ivory Coast to use sport to promote healthy development in children. Schools across the 3 African countries try out a program of sport, dance, and nutrition education to prevent obesity later in life. Early results indicate that there is a positive effect on学业表现cardiovascular risk factors.


FFIT trial在苏格兰和后续行动EuroFIT trialacross several European cities, worked with professional football clubs to help men lose weight and become more active. Results reported byBMCplosshowed significant improvements in diet, alcohol intake, weight, well-being, self-esteem, and vitality over the 12-month programs. In Canada, a similar study (帽子戏法) has teamed up with ice-hockey clubs to encourage men over 40 to get fit and lose weight.

ParkerDeen / Getty Images / iStock

In Germany, theKuS studylooked at indoor rock climbing as a new treatment for depression. Short mindfulness-based meditation sessions on overcoming mental barriers were followed by indoor climbing exercises requiring coping and teamwork.Results由BMC发布表明对抑郁量的措施有积极影响。

Get moving!

lunchtime walking增加体育锻炼并改善久坐的员工的心理健康?这Step by Stepstudy showed that just three 30-minute lunchtime walks can put you on your way to the推荐的150 minutes a week, as well as改进工作中的热情,放松和紧张。

Sport and physical education is a fundamental right for all. UNESCO, 1978.

Transform-Us!trial included movement in the classroom to reduce sedentary behavior, promote physical activity, and improve children’s health. After taking part in the modified lessons, the students weremore likely在休息期间表现出增加的体育锻炼。


KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an increased risk of developing heart problems. In therecent PARA study,RA患者获得了免费的健身房会员资格和3个月的体育活动培训计划。作为一个result, patients reduced time spent sitting, increased activity levels, and got fitter.

正在进行的HIT4HYPOS试验in Scotland is investigating the effect of high-intensity training on type 1 diabetes patients’ awareness that they are having a hypoglycemic episode. The pilot study has already shown positive results, and this could reduce the risk of loss of consciousness or coma.


You may choose to participate in sports to compete, to get fitter, to meet new people, or just to have fun. Whatever the reason, there is plenty of research out there to show that you are reaping the benefits not just physically, but emotionally and socially as well.


Have you ever considered participating in a trial? Clinical research would not happen without patients and volunteers! In 2011,ISRCTN认识到这一点的重要性,成为启动的数据源UK Clinical Trials Gateway, a Department of Health and Social Care initiative to encourage trial participation.

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