Communities make the difference: World AIDS Day 2019

对于世界艾滋病日,此博客重点介绍了注册的研究ISRCTN注册表that harnesses community power to help people living with HIV/AIDS.




在许多地区,缺乏教育和资源与早期婚姻和生育,基于性别的暴力,无避孕套的性交和交易性行为的速度增加有关。这se factors increase HIV transmission and impact, so a key intervention point is to empower adolescent girls.

AGEPstudy recruited girls and women aged 10-19 in Zambia and provided three of the four groups with 2 years of ‘safe space’ meetings run by slightly older women from the community discussing health, life and financial skills. One group additionally received vouchers enabling the purchase of health services and another received health vouchers and a savings account set up in their name.

Resultsdid not show a significant effect on儿童婚姻率,避孕药使用或艾滋病毒的患病率,但会议确实影响了已经有性活动的人,而接受所有三种干预措施的人则表现出最大的积极变化。

这Population Council, which sponsored this trial, has concluded that deeper socio-economic intervention is required and has made recommendations to the Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS) initiative.

©Ranplett / Istock

This includes theGirlsRead! Zambiastudy, which examined the effect of giving girls in the last year of primary school an e-reader loaded with books by African authors containing positive female narratives, as well as providing the ‘safe space’ meetings. This intervention appeared to提高识字和非语言推理得分,但需要扩大研究以证明对健康的重大影响。

人口委员会也在进行studyto investigate the effectiveness of the One Community program in Malawi. This initiative aims to encourage HIV testing and use of healthcare services, reduce sexual behaviours associated with HIV transmission, and encourage gender equality in at-risk populations, including orphans and other vulnerable children, adolescent girls and young women.

In South Africa, anongoing studyis evaluatingPEPFAR/USAID社区回应计划旨在提高人们对性和基于性别的暴力和艾滋病毒预防的认识。

Peer outreach and mentoring


同伴可以独特地访问难以到达的群体,尤其是在社区内有污名或行为是非法的情况下。这Danida KP研究在坦桑尼亚,正在培训注射吸毒者,男性与男性发生性关系的男性以及将性交易的商品或金钱交换的妇女,以向其他艾滋病毒感染风险较高的人提供建议,如何获得医疗保健和暴力预防服务。这协议has been published inBMC卫生服务研究.

Astudytaking place in the UK and Uganda is developing and testing an intervention that uses peer mentors to facilitate young people with perinatally acquired HIV infection disclosing their status to potential sexual partners.

英国TARGET feasibility studywill compare whether cards given out to peers by men and transgender people who have sex with men who have been trained as Testing Champions elicit more online blood-borne virus testing kit returns than poster advertising in LGBT venues.


©Britta Pedersen / dpa-Zentralbild / ZB /图片联盟

People also connect in virtual communities. TheSELPHItrial advertised in apps, such as Grindr, and Facebook pages targeting men and transgender people who have sex with men. Examples of the ads and messages are viewable in the published协议. People who responded to the ads and were eligible were randomized to receive no baseline testing or an HIV self-testing kit, where a person can use a diagnostic kit to test their blood or saliva at home and get a result in 15 minutes.

Resultsof the pilot phase showed that the kits were acceptable, with 96% used within 3 months of receipt, and that the ads could recruit MSM throughout England and Wales who were reasonably diverse in terms of age, ethnicity and educational background, although trans women were under-recruited.


HIV/AIDS healthcare and support can increasingly be managed within communities. Reducing HIV transmission involves broader social, cultural and structural change to empower disadvantaged people and eliminate stigma. Everyone can contribute to making this change happen within their community, even if they are not directly affected by HIV/AIDS. On this World AIDS Day, why not think about how you can contribute to building societies where there is no longer the inequality that leads to ill health?

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