Hopperstad Stave Church的奥秘

什么是涵盖挪威霍普斯塔德·斯塔夫教堂部分的白色物质?它来自哪里?马里特·莱恩(Marit Lehne)打包了她的便携式光谱仪,穿上侦探帽,然后寻找答案...

Hopperstad Stave Church is one of 28 stave churches left in Norway and is an important part of Norway’s cultural heritage. The church is considered to be one of the oldest stave churches in the country.

实际上,dendrochronological dating最近,挪威科学技术大学(NTNU)透露,教会比以前的估算中确定的年龄要大,据信是在1131年至1132年之间建造的,因此是当代的Urnes Stave Church

© The Author

作为Hopperstad Stave教堂保护计划的一部分,物理化学研究在最近观察到的一部分的白色物质中,已经进行了研究,以找出该物质是否可能对教堂的材料,环境和游客有害。

This project began when I was trying to find a topic for my MA thesis in objects conservation at the University of Oslo. I was – of course! – the last one in my class to find a topic to write about.

During one of our many lunch breaks at the very nice university building in Frederiksgate 3 in the heart of Oslo, one of my fellow students asked me whether I wanted to write about building conservation.

这个想法像闪电一样令我震惊!如果我这样做,我肯定会在学习后找到工作!她问我是否有兴趣调查Hopperstad Stave Church的一部分身份不明的白色物质。我立即回答:“ Ja,Gjerne!”(“是的,请!”)。

So, a couple of weeks later, my thesis supervisor, two conservators and from the挪威文化遗产局(Riksantikvaren)去了Sogn Og Fjordane县的Vik,这是一个小时的飞行,带了从奥斯陆的螺旋桨飞机。


© The Author

整个教堂都是with a thick layer of dark brown–blackish pine tar. As you walk closer to the southern entrance and portal, you see that they are beautifully adorned with carvings and wrought iron decorations and fittings.



我们的科学好奇心出现了,我们不得不弄清楚这种物质是什么以及它如何到达那里 - 我们做好了准备。

配备便携式X射线荧光(XRF)光谱仪以服用原位non-destructive elemental measurements, we got a first idea about the chemical composition of the white substance. With scalpels and glass containers for sampling, we were able to proceed to analysis in the lab.


The work was performed in collaboration with苏黎世Ethwith great help and expertise.

The analysis revealed that the white substance was in fact crystalline, inorganic and calcium-rich: most likely calcium carbonate that had been deposited on the surface from an environmental source.

© The Author


We were able to exclude most of these suggested causes of the formation of the substance after the analyses. However, it is still a mystery why the white substance is there and especially why it is so localized on parts of the southern side. The list of possible (and thinkable) causes may have been narrowed after analysis, but it has not made the phenomenon any less mysterious.



