
What motivates people to prepare for volcanic hazards? In a recent study from the应用火山学杂志,,,,劳伦·温内尔(Lauren Vinnell)and co-authors from New Zealand and the US explored behavioral and psychological factors which influence whether people are able and willing to evacuate in the event of lahars.





主要风险之一是拉哈尔人 -火山泥浆可能直接影响15万人。

How do we learn about volcanic risk and preparedness?

People often learn about volcano risks from popular media (like movies or video games), news media, or friends and family.

However, this information can vary in accuracy, doesn’t necessarily present the full range of volcanic hazards (which extend well beyond sudden, explosive eruptions of molten rock), and can lead to fatalism—if all you hear about volcanoes is the damage and harm they cause, you might start to think such outcomes are unavoidable.




  • 风险优先级 - 人类倾向于优先考虑较低的影响,较高的概率风险(例如汽车事故)超过了较高的影响,较低的概率风险(例如火山喷发);
  • 像宿命论(上面提到)这样的偏见,不现实的乐观主义(人们认为即使没有其他人都没有)和正常化的偏见(人们认为未来事件将像过去一样);
  • Social cues—we look to those around us because chances are if everyone is doing something it’s a good thing for us to do as well.

To overcome these challenges, it helps to understand which ones are most influential. This is where our research comes in.

找到更好的办法鼓励社区由于d Mount Rainier, and similar communities near volcanoes, we explored a range of factors which previous research tells us are probably relevant, to see which ones are going to be the most important for us to address when we talk to these communities.



Women felt less prepared and had higher intentions to prepare than men; these differences appear to be motivated by women seeing the potential impact of a lahar as more severe than men, rather than differences in how可能这是一个拉哈尔。



The people in our sample whoneither在拉哈尔危险区的生活也没有工作,感觉最为准备,也许反映出在可能的情况下避免危险区域的关键风险行为。



These behavioral factors were also associated with higherself-efficacy,self-perceptions of capability and capacity to undertake a behavior (in this case, protect yourself from lahar impacts).


One limitation of our type of study is that we can’t say the direction of the effect; this is a good opportunity for future work.


As well as helping to improve our broad understanding of why people prepare for hazards like lahars, our findings offer ways for local public education efforts to approach the ongoing challenge of encouraging preparedness.

Key suggestions include the continued use of evacuation drills and ensuring where possible that communication is tailored to diverse groups in the community.

