认识SDG3研究人员s: Uduak Okomo

Uduak博士Okomo is Clinical Assistant Professor with the Vaccines and Immunity Theme, MRC Unit at the Gambia at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. A paediatrician and epidemiologist by training, her research is focused on better measurement and reduction in the burden of newborn mortality in developing countries, particularly neonatal infections, infection control, and antimicrobial resistance.

Welcome to our认识SDG3研究人员博客收藏。我们是interviewing a series of academics and practitioners working in diverse fields to achieve可持续发展目标3:确保健康的生活并促进所有年龄段的人。您可以在此集合中找到其他帖子这里,和discover what else Springer Nature is doing to advance progress towards achieving this goal on our dedicatedSDG3中心.



I began my residency training in Paediatrics at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar as well as working as a Clinical Research Assistant in the clinical trials and evidence-based medicine unit at the Hospital’s Institute of Tropical Disease Research & Prevention under the supervision and mentorship of Professor Martin Meremikwu, who was the deputy director of the Institute and my supervising paediatric consultant.

鉴于我对临床研究的浓厚兴趣,Meremikwu教授鼓励我在当时的医学研究委员会(MRC)实验室(Gambia)中获得工作机会,我于2004年12月搬到冈比亚。医生迁移到英国和美国接受研究生培训和更好的职业机会。在搬到冈比亚的某个时候,我还考虑过与外科医生一起为父亲长大的举动,父亲还在英国接受了研究生培训,并且是皇家外科医生学院的院士。同时,我还想为非洲领导的大陆研究成果做出贡献,因为注意到非洲科学家并不多领先的研究。我的大部分决定要留在当时的MRC单位主任Tumani Corrah教授及其对非洲科学家发展的指导和热情。为了扩大我的研究技能,我在伦敦卫生与热带医学学院(LSHTM)完成了流行病学理学硕士学位,该学院由英联邦奖学金委员会资助。

My initial research work focused diseases associated with a high burden on under-five mortality in Africa – malaria, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS and malnutrition.

Storing samples from a clinical trial in liquid nitrogen at the Freezer room of the MRC Unit Farafenni Field Station, The Gambia.

我很幸运能够与免疫学家阿桑·杰伊(Assan Jaye)博士一起担任研究临床医生,他赢得了伊丽莎白·格拉瑟(Elizabeth Glaser)儿科艾滋病基金会(EGPAF)国际领导奖,以建立儿科艾滋病毒/艾滋病临床研究队列。在全球基金会为艾滋病,结核病,疟疾和EGPAF打架的资金支持下,我在乌干达和英国接受了综合儿科艾滋病毒/艾滋病护理,预防和研究的培训。这项培训为我提供了与国家艾滋病秘书处合作,在冈比亚建立国家儿科艾滋病毒/艾滋病队列的知识和技能,以通过临床指导提高临床护理和研究能力。



Reviewing a sick neonate with the clinical team on the neonatal ward at the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, Banjul, The Gambia.

这些观察结果导致了几个问题,这些问题导致了我通过英国医学研究委员会的博士生资助的LSHTM的流行病学和人口健康博士学位。我的博士研究重点是新生儿感染,传播动力学和医院/社区获得了新生儿感染,包括抗菌素耐药性。我受到了该领域的两名令人难以置信的女研究人员和领导人的监督 - 乔伊·拉恩(Joy Lawn)和鲍德·坎普曼(Beate Kampmann)教授。我的成功归功于这些妇女及其指导。

博士学位毕业,Beate Kampmann教授。

关于新生儿中严重感染的来源和动态,尤其是在低资源环境中,仍然存在许多未解决的问题。对于我的博士后研究,我现在被迫推动信封,并将研究从观察性转移到对感染机制和抗菌素耐药性传播的详细理解,以改善受科学证据所支撑的护理。我的研究由Thrasher研究基金(美国)和MRC/NIHR(英国)资助。我还与爱德华·弗朗西斯(Edward Francis)小教学医院(Banjul)和冈比亚卫生部紧密合作,同时扩大了我的研究合作。

PhD graduation with Professor Joy Lawn.

我的一些职业亮点包括赢得2019 Elsevier Foundation-OWSD Award in Agriculture, Biology and Medicine for Early Career Women Scientists in the Developing World; the2019 Director’s Award for “Research Leader of Tomorrow” , MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM; the LSHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Centre Publication Prize in both20202021; and serving as冈比亚分会董事长兼西非医师学院副校长.

与2019年Elsevier Foundation-Owsd奖的其他获奖者获得了发展中国家早期职业女性科学家的农业,生物学和医学奖。


My research is directly related to SDG3 which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Specifically, my research falls under SDG 3.2 which aims by 2030 to end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births.


Robust country and regional data on the aetiology, source and route of infection, as well as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), are essential to informing and prioritising appropriate prevention strategies. In one of my studies, I aimed to bridge a在撒哈拉以南非洲的新生儿中,我们对侵入性细菌感染和抗菌抗性的原因的了解的关键差距.

与2019年Elsevier Foundation-Owsd奖的其他获奖者获得了发展中国家早期职业女性科学家的农业,生物学和医学奖。

不同的危险因素和环境可能会影响感染向新生儿传播。为了解决有关新生儿与细菌败血症之间感染途径传播的其他问题,我的研究现在是将传统的微生物细菌培养技术与先进技术,尤其是全基因组测序(WGS)相结合。在我们的一项研究中,我们使用两种技术来表征新生儿病房中两次医院可获得的感染的爆发,以及traced the source of infection to intravenous fluids and medications that were contaminated on the ward during preparation for use.

What’s the most pressing research question in your field and/or your hopes for progress in the future?

尽管全球新生儿死亡率下降,但各地区和国家之间的新生儿死亡率显着差异。2019年,世界两个地区 - 撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚地区占新生儿死亡的80%以上。在这些地区,新生儿死亡率最高,据估计在撒哈拉以南非洲的每1000名活产27例,南亚的每千例活产25例死亡。一个在撒哈拉以南非洲的孩子是在第一个月死亡的可能性比在高收入国家中出生的孩子高10倍.




The COVID pandemic has shone the spotlight on how interconnected and interdependent our world has become. It has also illustrated our common vulnerability, across borders, beyond North-South, East-West, public-private divides, and the limits of segmented approached to tackling global public health. This means adopting a more holistic and comprehensive multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to addressing our collective challenges, and specifically in my case, the high burden of neonatal infection morbidity and mortality. Despite the disruption of maternal, newborn, and child health services across resource-limited settings in additional to the ripple effect on neonatal mortality, I strongly believe the COVID pandemic to be a turning point for infectious disease epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa; it has presented new opportunities for local and regional scientific leadership to address the unresolved burden on neonatal mortality, especially but not limited to infections and antimicrobial resistance.




My greatest inspiration comes from home – my parents. My dad is a surgeon and my mother a medical microbiologist, although both are now retired. They came from very poor and humble beginnings but did not let this limit their dreams and aspirations. Growing up, my brothers and I loved to listen to the stories of how they worked hard and persevered to achieve their dreams despite numerous challenges. They also encouraged us to be inquisitive and explore our environment. My dad would always say to us ‘nothing is impossible – it just hasn’t been figured out yet’.


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