Maria Zalm & Brock Madsen

Maria joined BMC in October 2017, following the completion of her PhD, completed a PhD at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. Her research involved the structural and functional investigation of periplasmic chaperones in沙门氏菌. Since joining the editorial team, Maria has taken on the role of Editor forBMC Health Services Research, BMC Nutrition, BMC Palliative Care,andBMC Paediatrics.

Brock joined the BMC team in February of 2018 after obtaining his Bachelor of Science degree through the University of Nebraska at Kearney. As a Biology Major and Journalism Minor, Brock assisted in multiple studies being conducted by professors of the Organic Chemistry department, completed his own mentored research project in the Molecular Biology department, and was the first dedicated science reporter for the university newspaper. During his time with BMC, Brock has been the Assistant Editor forBMC Pediatrics,BMC Cardiovascular Disorders,BMC Nutrition,BMC Biochemistry, andBMC Structural Biology.

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