Seeing the forest for the trees

研究published todayBMC Ecology提供了比以前想象的要大得多的黑猩猩人口的证据。但是,保护自己的栖息地不仅对黑猩猩本身,而且对人类也有多重要?该研究的共同作者莫琳·麦卡锡(Maureen McCarthy)在此来宾博客中揭示了他们的工作。



Chimpanzees in human-dominated habitats

Although this chimpanzee population lives under seemingly abnormal conditions, they represent a growing proportion of this endangered species. Chimpanzees are losing their remaining habitat throughout Equatorial Africa – and quickly. Increasingly, they live outside national parks and protected areas, often in highly degraded habitats.



The movement of genes

My project focuses on the region around Bulindi, which spans a mosaic landscape about 1,200 km2在size between the Budongo and Bugoma Forest Reserves. Because Budongo and Bugoma are each home to about 600 chimpanzees, this region as a whole is vital in conservation terms, since it acts as a corridor for chimpanzees and other wildlife, allowing the movement of animals – and their genes – between these protected forest reserves.

黑猩猩的森林碎片理解ably wary of humans, so we can’t count them or follow them easily.

黑猩猩的森林碎片理解ably wary of humans, so we can’t count them or follow them easily. However, we can collect samples of their dung, which offer a wealth of data regarding individual identity, diet, and health status.


Our results,现在出版BMC Ecology,,,,provide genetic evidence of a population between about 260 and 320 chimpanzees in these degraded forest fragments. This is notable given that a2003年黑猩猩的全国人口普查在乌干达,该领域的估计不到三分之一,理由是估计约有70个人。

Based on the density at Bulindi, however, researcher Matt McLennan suggested in2008年的论文多达260个黑猩猩可以居住在整个地区。我们基于遗传的估计与该数字更紧密地保持一致,这表明比全国普查中估计的人口更大,更广泛。



Though we didn’t spend much time in the field directly observing the chimpanzees, we caught glimpses of some distinctive individuals often enough to give them names which we used to identify them. We remembered sampling a female we called Izzy, who was missing her left hand.

This injury was likely the result of a wire snare, an illegal but regularly used hunting device and common cause of injury and mortality among chimpanzees in Uganda. The data revealed that, unbeknownst to us at the time, we collected samples from beneath her nests a few times in different forests throughout her community’s home range.

The adult female chimpanzee we called Izzy. Her left hand is missing likely due to a snare.
The adult female chimpanzee we called Izzy. Her left hand is missing likely due to a snare.
Jack Lester

There was also the adult male Caesar, who we saw on numerous occasions and named after his distinctive facial features that reminded us of thePlanet of the Apes特点。一旦我们看着他坐在农场边缘的一棵树中,冷静地调查了我们和附近工作的农民。反过来,农民忽略了他,习惯了他们经常光顾附近森林地块的黑猩猩。

The adult male chimpanzee we called Caesar looks toward a farm from the forest edge. The tree he sits in was logged some days later.
The adult male chimpanzee we called Caesar looks toward a farm from the forest edge. The tree he sits in was logged some days later.
Jack Lester

A week later, as we walked along the forest edge, we stumbled upon loggers cutting down this very tree for firewood. One can only wonder how the chimpanzees themselves reacted upon discovering the loss of yet another tree they once used for nesting, feeding, or just ‘hanging out’.





Looming threats of climate change further underscore the importance of investing in these waterways. The loss of these unprotected forests therefore threatens not only the chimpanzees but also the regional economy and ecosystem.

Therefore, while it’s tempting to reassuringly conclude that these chimpanzees are faring much better than predicted, considering the population’s large size and broad distribution, an alternative take-home message seems more apt. These results instead highlight the potential benefits of greater conservation investment in vulnerable unprotected corridor habitats like this one, for the sake of both endangered wildlife and humans.

