
We are excited to announce the launch ofBMCRheumatology作为最新日记BMC系列并告知科学界,该期刊现已开放提交。期刊编辑詹姆斯·莫克里奇(James Mockridge)向我们介绍了这一激动人心的发展。


The most common, and therefore well studied, rheumatic diseases are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, which cause pain and inflammation of joints and affect approximately 8.5 million people in the UK alone. However, these two conditions are just a couple of examples of rheumatic diseases as this umbrella term incorporates over 200 disorders. As illustrated in the figure above, these include conditions such as giant cell arteritis, fibromyalgia, Sjögren’s syndrome, sarcoidosis, gout and lupus, to name just a few.


在这样的背景之下,BMCRheumatology正在启动以为风湿病学社区提供开放访问途径,以将研究结果传播到这些疾病中,以改善患者护理的最终目的。作为成员BMC系列,的精神BMCRheumatologyopen and inclusive,该期刊不会根据研究的利益或其可能的影响做出编辑决策。像其他期刊BMC系列,提交将经过严格的同行审查,以评估科学有效性。此外,作为一本公开访问同行评审的日记,无论其位置如何,所有读者都将免费获得发表的文章。


BMCRheumatology将在Biomed Central的风湿病学区域内补充和扩展“开放访问期刊”投资组合,并将成为姐妹日记BMC肌肉骨骼疾病BMC系列。Although there is some overlap in scope,BMCRheumatologyandBMC肌肉骨骼疾病将非常舒适地坐在一起:BMC肌肉骨骼疾病will have a focus on studies with a definite musculoskeletal component (i.e. bone, cartilage, tendon etc.), whereasBMCRheumatologywill cover all areas of rheumatology, including systemic conditions and related co-morbidities, which are topics that will fall outside the scope ofBMC肌肉骨骼疾病

为了涵盖风湿病研究的范围BMCRheumatology将得到国际的支持Editorial Board,,,,with oversight from three expert Section Editors:

  • ‘Clinical rheumatology’ edited by Susan Goodman (Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, USA)
  • 爱德华·罗迪(Edward Roddy)(英国基尔大学)编辑的“流行病学和公共卫生”部分
  • Alessia Alunno(意大利佩鲁吉亚大学)编辑的“前与转化科学”

The Section Editors will be pleased to consider papers on all aspects of rheumatology across a variety of article types, including研究文章and案例报告,也是研究方案for proposed or ongoing prospective clinical research.


如果您想了解有关期刊的更多信息,请通过电子邮件与我联系,该期刊的编辑(。I will also be attendingRheumatology 2017(4月25日至27日,英国伯明翰)和EULAR 2017(6月14日至17日,西班牙马德里),很高兴见面,进一步讨论日记并回答任何问题。

