Monthly Archives:June 2017

Is your puppy destined to be overweight?


Our dogs are getting fatter, with pet obesity numbers continuing to rise annually worldwide. Shockingly, around four million dogs in the UK are overweight! It was recently reported that by 2027, Britain could contain the fattest dogs in the world, after results from a poll confirmed that dog owners are overfeeding their pets by up to 1,000 calories per day and failing to provide the necessary exercise required.BMC Veterinary Researchdiscusses arecent publicationthat might help explain how some dogs are more inclined to be overweight and obese in adulthood if not properly controlled.

Biology Open Access

Unintentional drowning: Role of medicinal drugs and alcohol


The unintentional drowning rate in Finland is a cause for concern – it is significantly greater than that in most Western European countries and other high-income countries. In fact, great emphasis has already been drawn to the association of drowning with alcohol consumption. A retrospective studyrecently publishedinBMC Public Health, however, is different to those presented in the past – this also establishes the association with different types of psychotropic drugs.
