
肢体(淋巴水肿)的肿胀可能是由于先前的癌症治疗而发生的,并且可能导致癌症患者的长期长期身体和心理问题。在这个来宾博客中,Roman Skoracki博士和Stephen P. Povoski博士总结了他们的审查,最近出版BMC癌,,,,which discusses lymphedema with a focus on surgical treatment options


Lymphedema represents a generalized buildup of extracellular lymph fluid within the soft tissues of arms and legs. This results from an imbalance in the amount of lymphatic fluid that is being produced and the amount of lymphatic fluid that is being cleared from lymphatic channels into the venous circulatory system.



Lymphedema has a major impact on the quality of life of affected patients, both in terms of increased morbidity and significant psychological effects. The skin and soft tissues of the affected limb become progressively swollen, firm, and tight feeling due to the buildup of entrapped lymphatic fluids. The swelling can feel uncomfortable or even painful, and may make movements more difficult. Most seriously, this condition makes the affected limb much more prone to repeated and potentially life-threatening skin and soft tissue infections. Many patients eventually develop depression as a consequence of the impact that lymphedema has on their well-being and their physical appearance.



The main non-surgical management strategy, Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT), includes manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, exercise and skin care as well as a range of motion, breathing and posture exercises, and education.



Physiological surgical methods are directed towards reducing the lymphatic fluid burden in the affected limb by either improving lymphatic circulation by introducing healthy tissue into the affected limb or creating an alternate outflow pathway for lymph fluid. These methods require using sophisticated microsurgical and super-microsurgical techniques, to accomplish the physical reconnection of lymphatic channels to either small veins in the affected limb, or healthy lymphatic channels or tissues that can be harvested from other parts of the body.

While currently available surgical management strategies can result in dramatic improvement in symptoms and quality of life for patients, many formidable challenges remain for successful management of secondary lymphedema. It is hopeful that ongoing clinical research efforts will ultimately lead to more complete and sustainable treatment strategies and perhaps a cure for secondary lymphedema, its debilitating symptoms, and its potentially devastating resultant complications.



jane brindle


Stephen Povoski

美国只有有限数量的外科医生执行这些显微外科手术。请随时与俄亥俄州哥伦布俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心的整形外科系联系,以获取更多信息。Roman Skoracki博士是重建性肿瘤整形手术的负责人,他是进行微血管手术程序的世界领导者,以治疗淋巴水肿对癌症患者的影响。
