BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation2017 highlights

整个2017年BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation已经发表了广泛的文章。在这里,我们回顾一下年度最多的文章。


Previous studies have investigated the life expectancy of elite athletes compared to that of the general population. These studies have found that, while the majority of elite athletes to live longer than the general public, this is not the case in all sports.

Lee-Heidenreich及其同事的这项研究试图确定田径比赛中预期寿命的任何差异。他们分析了各种田径运动中前20名男性和女性的死亡日期,例如:1928 - 1948年间奥林匹克跳高,铁饼,马拉松和100m冲刺。他们的结果表明,预期寿命确实因事件而有所不同,高跳跃者和马拉松运动员的寿命比铁饼投掷者和短跑运动员更长。



运动员在运动后可以通过多种方式康复,但是哪种方法最受欢迎?澳大利亚詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)的Fiona Crowther及其同事进行的一项研究调查了331名运动员的首选恢复方法,从本地到国际水平。他们发现所有国际运动员都使用按摩作为恢复形式,而总体上最流行的恢复方法是伸展。



Currently, four out of five adolescents do not achieve the recommended levels of physical activity per day, particularly adolescent girls, who are significantly less active than their male counterparts. Why is this? And how do you increase adolescent participation in sport?

To try and address these questions, Casey and co-workers investigated the role that a healthy welcoming environment had on the participation in sports clubs of two groups of secondary school girls. They collected information on the sports membership of female students in years 7 (aged 11-13 years) and 11 (aged 16-18 years) and recorded the factors that influenced their decision to take part in sport. The results indicated that 80% of participants rated the welcoming atmosphere of the club (knowing someone at the club/friendliness of the coach) as an important factor, whereas the healthy environment of the club was found to be significantly less important.



Physiotherapists are in an ideal position to promote physical activity (PA); however, there is little evidence that this occurs. To investigate this, Nicole Freene, Sophie Cools and Bernie Bissett from the University of Canberra (Australia) surveyed a total of 257 Australian physiotherapists to determine how frequently they promoted PA and to assess their knowledge of the Australian physical activity and sedentary behavior (PASB) guidelines.

While the majority of participants agreed that the promotion of PA was part of their role, the results found that only half of the participants promoted PA beyond therapeutic exercise to 10 or more patients per month. Furthermore, male physiotherapists were significantly more likely to promote PA than female physiotherapists. The study also found that the participants generally had a poor knowledge of the Australian (PASB) guidelines, with only a small percentage being able to accurately state all four components of the guidelines.



Current research regarding isometric (static) muscle action is limited, but it has been suggested that two forms of isometric action could exist: (i) holding isometric muscle action (HIMA), where an applied external load is held in a static position, and (ii) pushing isometric muscle action (PIMA), where the subject pushes against or pulls at a resistance that equals the force exerted.

在这项研究中,劳拉·舍夫(Laura Schaefer)和弗兰克·比特曼(Frank Bittmann)(德国波茨坦(Potsdam)的波茨坦大学)在三头肌肉中测量了10名健康参与者的三头肌肌肉肌肉,同时进行了推动和持有运动。他们的研究发现,两种肌肉作用在强迫耐力方面,特定频率的力量和精疲力尽的时间之间存在差异(因为发现HIMA会导致肌肉比PIMA更快地筋疲力尽)。


These results partially support the theory that there are two types of isometric muscle action; however, further research is required regarding the cause of variation between the two muscle actions.

Hormonal aspects of overtraining syndrome: a systematic review

一些人可能认为that intense exercising every day is the best way to get fit; however, excessive training and insufficient recovery in sport can lead to overtraining syndrome (OTS). OTS causes acute feelings of fatigue and decreased performance, but can be hard to diagnose as it can be triggered by a variety of factors including hormonal, metabolic and immune dysfunction.

Using PRISMA guidelines, Cadegiani and Kater performed a systematic review to investigate the hormonal aspects of OTS as a potential diagnostic tool. They found that basal levels of hormones were not a good indicator of overtraining, whereas growth hormone (GH) and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) responses were blunted during stimulation tests undertaken by the affected individuals. Further research is required, but the study indicates that GH and ACTH responses may be useful predictors in the diagnosis of OTS.

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