
酷刑是一种不仅会恐吓个人和社会的做法,而且对受害者及其社区施加了长期的经济负担。在他们的recently published paper, Line Bager MSc., Dr. Wang, and co-authors discuss the long-term economic benefit of torture victim rehabilitation, both for tortured refugees and their families, as well as to the Danish society as a whole.

酷刑是一种破坏性和暴力行为,远非被根除。最近几年大赦国际has found torture occurring in 141 countries, corresponding to three-quarters of the world’s countries. Torture as a phenomenon has received increasing attention as a public health concern and our understanding of the complexity of the consequences of torture has developed to include a focus on theinter-generational,经济的geneticmanifestation of the harm torture creates.

Thecalls for economic studiesof the cost of torture have focused how knowledge of these cost can aide calls for torture prevention and inform better rehabilitation programmes, as well as shed light on the longer-term economic consequences for torture survivors and their families. The economic perspective is a central part of an evidence-based approach to understanding and supporting thelabour market integration of refugees resettled in Europe


Our study “Does multidisciplinary rehabilitation of tortured refugees represent ‘value-for-money’? A follow-up of a Danish case-study从社会的角度来看,这是对这种康复的第一个经济评估,因为我们研究了向托管国家提供酷刑幸存者及其家人的经济影响。

We attempt to capture some of the complexity of the consequences by including cost incurred directly at the individual, family and societal level. In doing so, we conclude that rehabilitating torture survivors benefits not only the individuals who receive it but also, once the families are included in the analysis, rehabilitation provides a net social benefit to society. However, Support systems and services addressing the after-effects of torture are challenged by the complex symptomatology presented by torture survivors.

Source: iStock image from author.

The terror of torture



幸存者还可能在控制情绪(例如愤怒)方面遇到困难,有时会导致孤立,对他们的生活质量产生不利影响。履行父母或家族义务可能会成为幸存者的问题。功能失调的家庭关系可能会升级为暴力,但更微妙的创伤传播途径可能涉及inappropriate communication of parental traumato children in the families, leading to psychological distress in the children. These effects disseminate and impact society and communities in which survivors live.

Perhaps less debated is the perspective that torture is not only a terrible human rights violation, but in addition to the damaging health effects and social costs to individuals and families, torture also results in economic losses. One such economic loss is related to the loss of labour income for the individual in cases where the physical or psychological ramifications of torture inhibit the person’s ability to retain a job or perhaps a caretaker in the family. Society might also bear cost related to long-term impairment.


However, costs of a more diffuse and less clearly associated nature also exist; society’s expenses related to provision of services are unlikely to be limited to health care alone but these expenses can be difficult to associate directly with the trauma.


Moving on from here

The findings presented in our study suggest that rehabilitation is not only in the interest of society based on moral and ethical grounds, but it might well be an economically sound priority as well. While the right to rehabilitation is set out ininternational law, economic priorities could influence policy makers to uphold and protect this right more than on human rights grounds alone. In addition, it should not be neglected either that economic self-sufficiency and labour force participation is part of regaining quality of life and dignity for torture survivors.

尊严 - 丹麦反对酷刑研究所:
DIGNITY fights for a world free from torture and helps victims of torture to a better life.

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