
媒体是通过对问题和事件的负责任和信息丰富的报道来帮助防止对妇女和女童暴力行为(VAWG)的关键利益相关者。新研究published inBMC妇女健康explores Ghanaian media coverage on this topic, an important step due to a gap in the literature on low- and middle-income countries where VAWG is endemic.

全世界1在3某种形式的gender-rela女性经验ted violence. Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) doubles a woman’s risk of depression and alcoholism and can have an impact on her risk of AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections and on her children’s health.

In its报告在预防对妇女和女孩的暴力行为(VAWG)时,联合国妇女地位委员会将许多利益相关者在预防工作中。其中包括群众和新媒体,它们在为性别刻板印象做出贡献和维持可以导致暴力和受害者欺凌的文化中发挥着重要作用。

In order for media to play a role in preventing VAWG, we must first understand how VAWG is currently reported. A学习今天发表在BMCWomen’s Healthused frame analysis to examine representation of VAWG in Ghanaian media. Lead author Dr. Ebenezer Owusu-Addo of the夸梅·恩克鲁玛科学技术大学,加纳explains the reasons for doing this study:

“媒体已被确定为可以通过负责任的新闻报道来帮助公众了解VAWG的原因和影响的主要利益相关者之一。然而,迄今为止,对VAWG媒体报道进行的研究主要集中在美国,澳大利亚,英国和加拿大等高收入国家环境中,在文献中留下了有关媒体对低 - 和低收入问题的差距VAWG地方性的中等收入国家环境。在这项研究中,我们研究了加纳的中低收入国家的VAWG是如何被媒体构成的,以及这对促进健康的影响。”

What did the coverage look like?

In examining 48 news articles, Dr. Owusu-Addo and colleagues found that most reported incidents were covered only by a single, short article without any in-depth reporting. The vast majority of the articles, 44 out of the 48, framed VAWG as individual incidents with no discussion of the broader social context.

Defining the scope of the problem, as the authors have done here, is the first step in reducing VAGW …

在这项研究中检查的80%的事件是IPV的形式,由配偶,未婚夫或其他亲密伴侣实施,这一事实源于普遍的态度,其中“……典型的加纳家庭仍然是父权制的机构。目前,加纳关于VAWG的态度包括男人,认为这是控制和纪律妻子的婚姻权利,以及对妇女和女孩的罪行,因为妇女和女孩的暴力行为对她们进行了反对,” Owusu-Addo博士说。


Other problematic trends identified in the studied articles included normalizing incidents of VAWG as commonplace, coverage that focused on the perpetrator as the subject and victim/survivor as the object of the news story, exoneration of perpetrators, and victim blaming. These are largely comparable tostudiesconducted in high-income countries, suggesting that initiatives to change these trends could work across multiple settings.

Changing media coverage


He adds that “the ideal news coverage of VAWG that would promote social change and contribute to VAWG prevention efforts moves beyond primary sources of information such as perpetrators and criminal justice officials (which often lead to victim blaming) to utilizing the perspectives of VAWG experts/advocates and providing statistics which help contextualize and frame the issue thematically.”


