Highlights of the BMC series: February 2019

Discussing goals of care in advanced cancer • The future direction of chemical engineering • Association between poor diet and insulin resistance • Better pay for health workers who immigrate • A practical lesson to reduce the spread of infections

BMC Cancer:打破沉默:从肿瘤从业者的角度,对护理讨论目标的障碍的调查



The importance of the identified barriers highlights the need for specialized training for oncology clinicians to have goals of care discussions with patients who may need support to make decisions throughout the course of illness.


BMC化学工程,是BMC系列最近开始发表文章,其中包括有关化学工业中可再生能源的重要新评论。在这篇综述中,加布里埃尔·西蒂(Gabriele Centi)及其同事讨论了从化石燃料中持续过渡带来的化学和工程行业内的变化。他们专注于替代碳源的发展以及将可再生能源整合到化学生产中。这篇评论凸显了创新的需求,以推动化学生产,评估和应用化学工程方法的根本变化。

BMC Nutrition:胰岛素抵抗(HOMA-IR)和体内脂肪(%)与瑞典,年轻人的水果和蔬菜的摄入量低有关:横断面的生活方式,生物标志物和动脉粥样硬化研究

Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart disease have become increasingly common globally despite recommendations for lifestyle changes to prevent these diseases. The lifestyle habits that affect the later development of these diseases are formed in early adulthood. A focus on prevention is needed in this population, but few studies have examined the association of specific lifestyle habits and disease risk factors in young adults.

The authors of this paper on Swedish young adults, ages 18-26, studied adherence to dietary recommendations and associations with metabolic risk markers such as insulin resistance and body fat. They found that more than half of the participants ate more sweets than recommended while approximately 85% ate less fruits and vegetables and 90% ate less whole grain or fish/seafood than recommended.


BMC卫生服务研究:What is the financial incentive to immigrate? An analysis of salary disparities between health workers working in the Caribbean and popular destination countries

Shortages of health workers in high-income English-speaking countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada have led to recruitment of trained health workers from poorer countries, including in the Caribbean. Poor working conditions and the perception of better standards of living elsewhere have led to high migration of health workers from the Caribbean. For example, approximately half of all doctors trained in Jamaica since 1991 have migrated to find work elsewhere. Understanding in detail the financial incentive to migrate could help Caribbean governments design policies to retain health workers.

To build an accurate picture of the increased salaries of health workers in high-income countries, the authors of this study used purchasing power parity (PPP) to compare salaries for nurses, doctors and specialists in the US, the UK, and Canada to those in four Caribbean countries. PPP exchange rates provide a more realistic comparison of salaries between countries by equalizing the cost of living between those countries.




Hospital-acquired infections are a serious risk, especially for vulnerable patients. Medical staff need to be aware of the risk and know how to minimize them, but time for practical lessons is limited in nursing school curricula.


为了测量实际的影响emonstration, the students were asked to fill out questionnaires before and after the pair of sessions testing their awareness of surfaces that could carry bacteria and actions that could facilitate infection. Awareness scores increased after the sessions, showing that a brief, simple addition to nursing school curricula could improve nursing students’ awareness of infection risk.

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