Thrivership: a new model to support victims of abuse to move beyond surviving to thriving

How do women who have experienced domestic violence and abuse move on from the trauma? What is the difference between being a victim and a survivor and what does it mean to progress from either of these to thriving? In this blog post, the authors of a新研究BMC妇女健康提供妇女对“三度”模式的观点,并将她们置于公共卫生系统如何更好地支持这些妇女的背景下。


家庭暴力和虐待(DVA)是一个严重的公共卫生问题,威胁着世界各地的健康。尽管男性也可以体验DVA,但女性受到不成比例的影响。大约30% of women worldwide在浪漫的关系报告中,他们在伴侣和英国经历了暴力事件女人被杀每四天她现任或前男性伴侣。

What is thrivership?

我们研究的目的是与经历过DVA的女性探索“三度”的概念。Thrivership是一个新兴领域,是指受害者从幸存DVA到真正克服虐待创伤的发展。下列的冈多尔夫和费舍尔的“幸存者理论”在the late 1980s, ‘survivor’ replaced ‘victim’ as the preferred term to refer to individuals who have experienced DVA. Although originally viewed as a positive shift, this terminology was not optimal for a number of reasons. ‘Survivor’集中滥用在the lives of affected individuals, serving as a reminder of past negative experiences and thus hindering full recovery. It also fails to explore the more long-term recovery from abuse, focusing instead on more-immediate freedom.

“ Thrivership”为这些问题提供了解决方案:它表示向上轨迹的繁荣和增长。最终,我们的目标应该是消除DVA。然而,与此同时,公共卫生专业人员应努力赋予妇女在虐待之后长期蓬勃发展的能力,而不仅仅是(在某些情况下)几乎无法幸免。

It’s very easy to move from being a victim to survivor to thinking that you’re there and thriving and then it’s… so easy for that to be knocked right back to the beginning.

Several studies over the past 15 years provide some insight into thriving post-DVA, predominantly as a transformative process rather than an outcome. Beyond this, though, available literature on thriving offers little information about how women can be supported through this process. We are left wondering what thriving means to women beyond a spiritual or theory-based experience. What are the practical implications of thrivership? What do women need to thrive? How can healthcare professionals provide support and services to facilitate thrivership?

What did we do?


数据收集期间的讨论探讨了妇女对从“受害者”到“幸存者”,然后“幸存者”到“ Thriver”的进步的想法;他们如何查看恢复过程;肥胖后蓬勃发展的特色或对他们的意义;以及可以采取什么措施来鼓励虐待后三肢。数据是主题分析的。



有趣的是,所有妇女都报告说,三肢过程是流动的。尽管随着时间的流逝,某事或某人很容易“击倒您的三线”。As one participant put it: “I’ve been through everything in a year… and it’s very easy to move from being a victim to survivor to thinking that you’re there and thriving and then it’s… so easy for that to be knocked right back to the beginning.” Long-term, flexible support for survivors and a wider change in societal awareness were therefore highlighted as important by participants.

Figure 1: The Thrivership Model with ‘key conditions’ required

Thrivership Model

Thriving was ultimately characterized by a positive and forward-looking outlook, improved health and well-being, a reclamation of the self, and new social networks. Three key components were crucial to ensuring women reached thrivership, which we propose as the Thrivership Model (Figure 1): (1) Provision of Safety, (2) Sharing the Story, (3) Social Response. These components are underpinned by vital education and building of awareness at different levels. The Thrivership Model illustrates what is required from DVA-services and public health practitioners to facilitate thrivership.


我们要感谢Birmingham Freedom Project (BFP)for working with us on this project. The BFP delivers a unique combination of awareness and empowerment programs for women affected by DVA. Programs are delivered by two female facilitators who have also experienced abuse themselves. The service offers long-term support to women who attend their programs, and free, unlimited access to services. The project’s ongoing support was cited as integral to women’s continuing progress, as was the benefit of being able to meet and talk with others who have experienced abuse.

