Introducing the BMC Series SDG Editorial Board Members: Edwin van Teijlingen

埃德温·范·泰恩根(Edwin van Teijlingen)是英国伯恩茅斯大学的生殖健康研究教授,孕产妇和围产期健康中心联合主任(CMMPH)。埃德温(Edwin)一直是编辑委员会成员BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth自2008年起。他接受了医学社会学家的培训,并发表了300多篇论文。他已经在南亚,尤其是尼泊尔,孟加拉国和印度进行了近二十年的研究。

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我是一名医学社会学家,在孕妇护理,公共卫生和全球健康领域工作。在过去的13年中,我一直是英格兰南部伯恩茅斯大学生殖健康研究教授。在此之前,我在苏格兰的阿伯丁大学度过了17年,担任高级讲师,随后是公共卫生的读者。我的工作位于英国和低收入国家,尤其是在南亚。我所有的工作,或几乎所有的工作都是跨学科的。通常,我将社会学或社会科学的观点带给专注于健康,健康促进或卫生服务研究的团队。由于我参与了许多不同的研究团队,我的工作与许多UN可持续医解工作有关。However, the main SDGs for me are probably 3, 5, and 17. SDG 3 ‘Good Health and Well-being’ is at the core of my work as sociologist of health and illness, closely followed by SDG 5 ‘Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’ which is key in all health fields, and especially in my post as Professor of Reproductive Health Research studying maternity and midwifery.

我想强调关注可持续发展目标3的第一个项目是一个跨学科项目,研究了尼泊尔成为2015年联邦共和国对其卫生系统的影响。这个 'Nepal Federal Health System Project’由MRC(医学研究委员会),Wellcome Trust和DFID(国际发展部)获得英国资助,卫生系统研究计划赠款。这个令人兴奋的项目是英国四所大学的研究人员之间的合作,包括伯恩茅斯大学和尼泊尔加德满都的两个组织:曼莫汉纪念研究所健康科学与尼泊尔阶段。

Strengthening midwifery education to international standards is a key step to improving quality of care and reducing maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity.

The central focus of the project is on health policies, clearly linking it to SDG 3 ‘Good Health and Well-Being’, but health is of course connected to almost all other goals and therefore demands a multi-sectoral systems approach. In Nepal, social and health inequities, environmental pollution, large-scale labor migration, disaster planning, the gap between rural and urban populations, and many more societal problems require health systems thinking. We know that general policies and non-health interventions can have health implications at levels of society, from the local community to the national level. This project had a slow start as it coincided with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which seriously restricted both international travel between the UK and Nepal and local travel in Nepal.


的second project in this blog highlights the importance of midwives in ensuring safe, woman-centered maternity care. Nepal, like many low-income countries, still does not have enough appropriately skilled midwives. Strengthening midwifery education to international standards is a key step to improving quality of care and reducing maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity.

Our Bournemouth University team, supported by midwifery colleagues atDalarna Universityfrom Sweden, helped develop midwifery education in Nepal in a project funded by GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), the German equivalent of DFID 2019-2021. In Nepal there is a shortage of appropriately trained and educated midwives to teach newly established undergraduate midwifery courses. Our project involves developing a framework for providing academic support to nurse/midwife educators with the aim to enhance their midwifery knowledge and skills. It also involves designing, in collaboration with key stakeholders in Nepal, a bridging program to upskill current maternity workers so they can apply for their midwifery license to practice. This project clearly links to SDG 3, 4 and 17. We faced the same problems as in the project above, that the COVID-19 pandemic started shortly after the start of the project. This seriously hindered our ability to travel to Nepal and deliver clinical training. Some training we managed to do by Zoom but midwifery training needs hands-on, face-to-face delivery.

COVID-19, the disease as well as associated restrictions and lockdowns, will have affected the progress towards achieving the SDGs. My worry is that some will use the pandemic as an excuse for not achieving as much as planned. As researchers we must consider the benefits as well as the limitations of working remotely. We have realized that many research meetings, training exercises and conferences can be conducted online without people have to travel across the globe, thus reducing our carbon footprint as academics. I believe that what we have learnt during the pandemic should continue to be part of our working practice.

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