
Breast Cancer Awareness Month runs for the whole of October and, once again, reveals the severity of this disease, and the huge impact this has on patients’ lives, and sheds light on the urgent need of developing effective global diagnostic measures to reduce healthcare inequalities and promote breast cancer control worldwide. This is well highlighted in acollection由策划的文章BMC癌,它展示了一些有关改善乳腺癌筛查计划和早期诊断的最新研究。

According to the世界卫生组织(WHO)230万名妇女被诊断为乳腺癌通过r in 2020 and 685 000 deaths were recorded globally. Interestingly, significant differences in breast cancer mortality rates have been evidenced among countries, as a result of major global inequalities in distribution and access to optimal care. Although High Income Countries (HICs) have overall higher breast cancer incidence rates, the prognosis of breast cancer has significantly improved in the last decades, with the five-year survival rate exceeding 90%. In contrast, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have stagnant or increasing mortality rates, as clearly demonstrated by South Africa, where the five-year survival rate is around 40%.

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这些不同趋势的原因包括HIC中的更好的风险因素控制,教育资源,较早发现疾病的筛查和监视计划的依从性提高。此外,HIC的覆盖范围增加了基本卫生服务和更高数量的公共癌症中心,提供更先进的诊断技术和治疗方法。正是在低资源方案中,大多数病例和大多数死亡率都应该在未来几十年中预期,而一致的努力应试图减少疾病的影响。2015年,联合国家大会通过了2030年议程可持续发展目标(SDGS)built on the principle of “leaving no one behind”. The goals highlighted the importance of fighting inequalities across the world and specifically two goals, SDG3 and SDG10, have the ambitious aim of reducing disparities within and among countries and ensuring healthy lives for all at all ages.

为此,在2021年,世卫组织推出了Global Breast Cancer Initiative (GBCI)。这种战略合作旨在赋予妇女能力并增强乳腺癌的控制能力,以解决乳腺癌管理方面的差异,并在2040年到2040年将全球死亡率降低2.5%。GBCI旨在通过三个支柱实现这些目标:健康促进:早期发现;及时的诊断和全面的乳腺癌管理。通过这些支柱,WHO清楚地承认,有效的全球乳腺癌治疗主要依赖于早期发现,准确的诊断和获得多模式癌症治疗,重点是早期发现是LMIC中癌症控制的关键。

在乳腺癌意识月的情况下,作为our role为了促进实现可持续发展目标的进步,BMC癌已经策划了收集文章that emphasize the importance of early detection and effective screening programs in global breast cancer management.

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正如该收藏中包括的一些研究中所强调的那样,公众运动引起了人们对妇女健康的关注,医疗保健员工的教育和培训以及改善获得初级保健方面的机会,在实施有效的筛查计划中发挥了关键作用。例如,Sarker and colleaguesreported the effectiveness of an educational intervention program on breast cancer knowledge among young female students of a university in Bangladesh. Thus, increasing awareness among women of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, improving health literacy and patient education are vital aspects for diagnosing at least 60% of invasive breast cancer at stage I or II – the aim set out by the GBCI.


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Besides accessible care, accuracy of the initial diagnosis is another objective of all programs, requiring increasing resources and training. Particularly, great efforts are currently focused on the development of advanced diagnostic tools and the identification of new effective biomarkers. Interestingly, liquid biopsy has been suggested as a promising tool that would afford timely and non-invasive assessment of breast cancer also in LMICs, through the identification of different kinds of tumor material – such as nucleic acids, proteins, extracellular vesicles and whole cells – in various biofluids. In this regards,Shewell and colleaguesandLee and colleagues确定了新的血清乳腺癌生物标志物,而Ekstrӧm and colleagues证明了淋巴引流中细胞外囊泡的潜在用法用于疾病监测。

We hope you will enjoy reading this收集文章展示一些最新的进展BMC癌这有助于GBCI规定的目标。

