Aimee Cummings & Tovah Honor Aronin

艾米完成her BSc in Psychology at the University of Exeter in 2016. She then gained her MSc in Wildlife Management and Conservation, specialising in mammalian evolution and phylogenetic techniques, from the University of Reading in 2017. She currently works as an assistant editor forBMC Women's Health,BMC GeriatricsandBMC Nursing.

Tovah has been an Editor for the BMC series since 2016. Before moving into publishing, Tovah received her Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, USA, where she studied calcium signaling in yeast, developing a novel microscopy probe for real-time measurement of calcineurin activity. An early fascination with Punnett squares lead to a focus on genetics, which then broadened into an interest in the communication and application of scientific research across disciplines.

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