BMC Geriatrics2017年:强调



High use of medications in Norwegian nursing homes



In a 72-month longitudinal study carried out by Helvik等。,研究人员发现,在挪威的26家疗养院中,持续且高度普遍使用精神药物。他们发现,常规抗精神病药的使用在任何时间点有或没有痴呆症的居民之间没有差异,并且在两个连续的时间点,非典型和常规抗精神病药的使用均高达50%。此外,他们还揭示了较少的痴呆症与镇静剂的持续使用有关。


Physical activity among hospitalized older adults

Hospitalisation due to present disease has been shown to be a risk factor for loss of ambulatory ability in older adults. Previous studies have found that geriatric patients have a low level of psychical activity when hospitalised, spending around only 3.7-5.8% of their day either standing or walking (<83 minutes). This low level of activity is often associated with worse prognosis in patients.

In their observational study, Evensen and colleagues found that time spent upright by 38 patients was higher than had previously been reported in comparable studies, with patients spending almost two hours upright each day. Their findings show no association between age, cognitive impairment, burden of comorbidity and physical activity, highlighting that it is possible to mobilize even acutely admitted geriatric patients. Ultimately, further research is needed to evaluate if mobilization regimes could improve outcomes in geriatric patients.

Mental health determines well-being in later life

Image from Shuttershock, by Monkey Buisness Images


In this study, Lukaschek等。在他们的3600多名参与者的样本中发现,有79%的人报告了高水平的主观幸福感。他们的分析还表明,老年女性的主观幸福感水平低于男性,身体不活动,抑郁,焦虑和睡眠问题与男女的福祉低相关。但是,单独生活的影响只显示出对老年妇女的主观幸福感,这可能是由于妇女对社会关系的价值比男性更大的事实所致。

Their research highlights the need for an increased focus on preventative health interventions among older adults, especially in women living alone.

Interactions between alcohol and prescribed medications in older adults



Dying comfortably related to place of care

Image from Shuttershock, by Impact Photography

Comfort is an important factor in what many perceive to be important for a good death, with almost 92% of older adults prioritizing comfort when planning in advance for this time. While dying at home is often stated as a preference, in actuality a minority of older people die in their own homes.


Researchers based in Cambridge investigated how physical and cognitive disability, place of care and place of death related to reported comfort in very old people’s final illness. In interviews with relatives/close carers after a patient passed, 44% were described as having been “comfortable” during their illness, whilst only 7% of relative described the deceased as having been “uncomfortable”. Patients were also four times as likely to have been described as comfortable if they died in a care home or their own home, compared with a hospital.

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