Dr. Takayuki Koyano Dr. Makoto Matsuyama

Dr. Takayuki Koyano is a researcher in the Division of Molecular Genetics at Shigei Medical Research Institute. He obtained his PhD from Hiroshima University under the supervision of Dr. Dai Hirata. He then moved to London where he undertook a post-doctoral project in Dr. Takashi Toda’s lab at the Francis Crick Institute/LRI. His current research pursues the molecular mechanisms of kidney diseases.

Dr. Makoto Matsuyama is a principal investigator of the Division of Molecular Genetics at Shigei Medical Research Institute. He completed his PhD at the National Institute for Basic Biology and joined at the Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) and the Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute as postdoc. He established the rGONAD method for generating genome-edited rats. His scientific goal is to understand kidney development and pathology using genetic approaches.

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