一个定时炸弹?埃博拉病毒和被忽视的tropical diseases


Ripudaman K Bains是基因组生物学,以及《杂志》特刊的内部编辑。传染病的基因组学

埃博拉病毒颗粒,托马斯·盖斯伯特(CC 2.5)


埃博拉病毒被正式归类为“被忽视的热带疾病”,这可能令人惊讶。2014年爆发是有记录以来最糟糕的。之间1976年和2013年there were 26 outbreaks of the virus, almost all of which occurred in sub-Saharan African nations, resulting in a total of 1,716 cases.

Neglected tropical diseases: still overlooked

如果疾病被毒品开发商,政府官员和新闻媒体忽视,除非造成大量人的爆发,否则将其定义为忽略。最近的一个例子是数量的差异新闻关注that the Ebola outbreak has garnered in comparison to the current Chikungunya outbreak that is estimated to have infected over90万人整个美洲。

Perhaps most notably, neglected diseases disproportionately affect destitute people, the so called ‘bottom billion’– or more accurately, the poorest16亿of the world’s population. The World Health Organization officially lists17被忽视的热带疾病,,,,which are endemic in 149 of the world’s 196 officially recognized countries. In light of these figures, it isn’t surprising that there is increasing political pressure to increase funding to prevent and cure diseases that affect nearly 23% of the world’s population in 76% of its countries.

Before the increased amount of political pressure, the development of new drugs and diagnostic methods for the treatment of neglected tropical diseases was almost non-existent. The ‘World Intellectual Property Organization’ (WIPO) summarized the attitude to drug development for neglected tropical diseases as ‘市场营销失败’,,,,or non-profitable.

The WIPO’s description is not an overstatement: only 10% of global research and development resources were allocated for neglected diseases在1975年至2000年之间,在此期间,只有13种新药被批准接受治疗。




一种最近的基因组生物学帕迪斯·萨贝蒂(Pardis Sabeti)及其同事的研究提出了廉价而准确的方法,用于快速检测包括LASSA和埃博拉病毒在内的病毒。该方法的巧妙方面是,作者已经优化了现有的工具来诊断致命病毒,并且他们已经证明了该方法的实用性当前埃博拉疫情的起源


也在本月基因组生物学,,,,Julian Hiscox and colleagues使用基因组方法来阐明埃博拉病毒如何在幼稚宿主中引起感染。这项工作巧妙地使用基因组学来绘制病毒如何通过强迫感染,然后观察对幼稚宿主的进化和适应性来绘制豚鼠感染。这项研究提供了有关幼稚宿主如何容易受到高度致病药物的重要见解。



Both of these papers form part of this month’s special issue of Genome Biology, which is dedicated to the传染病的基因组学;该问题与基因组医学合作发布,展示了该领域的尖端和新兴研究领域。

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一个定时炸弹?埃博拉病毒和被忽视的tr ...

[…] Ripudaman K Bains是基因组生物学的助理编辑,也是该期刊的有关“传染病基因组学”的专刊,在最近几个月中,传染病一直处于公众关注的最前沿。西非的埃博拉病毒危机的加深危机现已夺走了近6,000人的生命,尽管国际反应正在增加,但该疾病仍在镇压已经过度扩张的医疗基础设施,这可能令人惊讶[…]
