
MRSA仍然是全球医疗保健环境中的主要祸害,对弱势患者构成了不断威胁。这种适应能力的生物是recent research published in基因组生物学由Matthew Holden,Li Yang Hsu和同事。在此Q+A中,Holden和Hsu向我们介绍了他们发现的内容。



Although the situation in the UK has greatly improved since 2004, MRSA remains a major scourge in healthcare settings globally. In Singapore, the organism is the most common antimicrobial-resistant bacterium causing nosocomial infections, with more than 3,000 infections logged each year in a population of 5 million.




This study reflects the combined interests of the groups in the UK and Singapore of gaining a greater understanding of this success of MRSA, and improving the ways in which to combat it.

这次合作的种子是由一个休假播种的,该休假带来了从新加坡的传染病医生李Yang Hsu博士,到剑桥的惠康信托基金会,与病原体基因组学集团的马特·霍顿(Matt Holden)一起工作,并获得了生物信息学的经验。和整个基因组测序。

…the succession of MRSA in Singapore provided a unique opportunity to look at two clones going head-to-head in a healthcare system.





The older isolates proved to be a bigger problem, but here we were again extremely lucky that an older collaboration with Prof Warren Grubb from the Gram-Positive Typing Laboratory at Curtin University, Perth, Australia had resulted in Singaporean isolates from the 1980s and 1990s being stored over there.


In this study we used a series of methods and tools to investigate the genetics and evolutionary relationships of MRSA in Singapore, including some in which Bayesian statistical methods lay at their heart.



您的主要发现之一是抗生素使用在驱动甲氧西林抗性的演变中起着重要作用。有证据表明金黄色葡萄球菌is also becoming resistant to alternative antibiotics?


In our study, and earlier published works looking at several global MRSA clones, the key antibiotic resistance determinant (other than to b-lactam antibiotics) is to the fluoroquinolone antibiotics, a class of antibiotics that are excreted in sweat and on to the skin. The increase in the use of fluoroquinolones in recent decades has been a key driver of the success of pandemic clones of MRSA that have developed resistance to this antibiotic.

You report that early Singaporean MRSA strains correspond to those seen in the Hungarian epidemic, and that MRSA strains that appeared in Singapore from the year 2000 onwards corresponded to those seen in UK hospitals in the early 1980s. Does this turn the common fear of diseases spreading into the West on its head?


A recurring observation from many of the whole genome sequencing studies examining the emergence and spread of bacterial human pathogens is that the pathogen’s population structure is as much a story about humans and their activities, as it is about bacteria.



What does your study mean for research into MRSA and other pathogen epidemics?


In particular, it revealed that during clone succession, new variants emerged in a declining clone via horizontal gene transfer, introducing genes that promote survival and persistence. In the case of the MRSA we have studied, the genes in question comprised an arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME), a mobile genetic element that is also found in an epidemic community-associated MRSA (USA300) that has become dominant in the USA.


More generally, our study illustrates the value of examining the success of epidemic clones in a wider context rather than in isolation. This is especially important from a public health point of view. As sequencing technology becomes more widely embraced into pathogen surveillance, we will have the capacity to take a more holistic approach to investigating pathogen population structure. With the right tools and approaches we will be able to use whole genome sequencing to not only monitor present dangers, but to identify where new problems emerge out of previous dangers, and target our interventions accordingly.


The next chapter for this particular work is a collaborative project between Singaporean hospitals, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, and the University of St. Andrews, to examine the transmission of MRSA between acute-care and community hospitals, and also between nursing homes and the hospitals.


