The food versus biofuels debate

随着人口的增长,我们正在耗尽our natural resources such as oil reserves and land that is suitable for agriculture. In response to declining fossil fuel reserves, biofuels are increasingly being explored as a renewable alternative. Most of the world’s biofuel is produced in the form of ethanol by fermentation of sugar cane and maize. However, use of these crops for biofuel production rather than food has attracted some criticism. Lee Rybeck Lynd from the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth explains more about the food vs fuel debate.

lee-r-lynd_Could you explain a little bit about your background and areas of research?

我拥有生物学学士学位,细菌学和工程学硕士学位以及工程学博士学位 - 很久以前。我的研究生涯的重点是微生物纤维素利用率的基本原理,与木质纤维素原料向燃料的一步转换有关的生物技术,创新的生物量处理技术和可持续的能源期货。




有大量证据表明,生物燃料比没有生物燃料更有可能实现可持续的未来。特别是,许多分析家认为,液态碳氢化合物很可能会用于飞机,海洋航运和大量长途卡车运输的无限期未来 - 共同约占预期运输能源使用的一半。



There are folks who point to the limitations of current technologies, are skeptical that the interactions mentioned above can or will be managed without sacrificing food security and livelihoods of the rural poor or the environment, and thus conclude that it’s risky to move forward with biofuels. There are also folks who point to the potential for improved future technologies, argue that biofuels have great potential to foster sustainability outcomes and may indeed prove necessary to achieve a sustainable world, and thus conclude that it is risky not to move forward with biofuels. Each side shows no sign of running out of ammunition or conviction, so the debate continues.


  1. 更好地了解土地可用性及其决定的因素。尽管许多人的想法是,土地要么以粮食生产的能力使用,要么是用于大自然,但实际上,有大量的管理土地对全球粮食生产做出了微不足道的贡献。
  2. With a particular eye toward climate, I think we need to weigh the risks of action in the biofuels arena against the risks of continued inaction. In my view we have reached the point that the latter are greater.
  3. 让生物燃料火车回到轨道上,并从经验中学习。我们需要积极地针对低成本技术的开发以及社会和环保生物燃料的部署。

What is the US Government policy on biofuels with regard to the food versus fuel debate?







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