
With fungicides proving to be ecologically disastrous, a new weapon is needed to protect plants against phytopathogenic fungi. One of these emerging antifungal weapons is small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and small RNAs (sRNAs). Here to tell us all about this novel plant defence is Yohann Petit who was in attendance at the29th真菌遗传会议在加利福尼亚。

拟南芥plant expresses siRNA which targets辣椒灰在RNAi基因,能够规避真菌开发。
Wikimedia Commons

Fungi are among the most devastating pathogens of plants, including crops of major economic importance, and many vegetable crops. Several methods of control are commonly used to limit their pathogeny, including genetic and chemical controls.


The29th真菌遗传会议took place at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in California, USA, and was an important occasion to give an overview of a new weapon in the antifungal arsenal: small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and small RNAs (sRNAs).



RNAi occurs in two steps: first the cellular double-stranded RNA are degraded by the Dicer ribonuclease to form 21-24 base pair long RNA fragments. Those small RNAs are then transferred to the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), a multiproteic complex that cleaves the double-stranded RNAs into a single strand form. In the second step of the RNAi, those single-stranded RNAs target the RISC complex to the complementary RNAs, leading to their degradation by the RISC complex.

In recent years, more and more efforts have been made to adapt siRNA for use in crop protection.

The existence of siRNAs in plant-fungal interactions has been shown on both thefungal和theplantside. The plants siRNA activity has already widely used in plant science through techniques like Host-induced Gene Silencing (HIGS) in order to decrypt plant biology at the molecular level. In recent years, more and more efforts have been made to adapt siRNA for use in crop protection.


siRNAs are frequently used by fungal pathogens of plants, but also of mammals, likeMucor Circinelloides,机会主义的病原体。It has previously been shownM.Circinelloidescan develop a transient resistance to the antifungal drug FK506 through RNA-interference, leading to silencing of the fungicide target gene.

In addition, scientists from the Duke University (USA) have shown that resistance to another fungicide (5-FOA) happens without mutations in the target genes,pyrfpyrg(unpublished data presented during the congress). This resistance appears to be controlled, like resistance to FK506, by expression of siRNAs against the antifungal drug target genes, providing priceless clues about antifungal drug resistance mediated by siRNAs.

siRNAs and mycotoxins

siRNAs are also involved in the production of mycotoxins; toxic secondary metabolites secreted by fungi during plant-fungi interactions. Mycotoxins are a major contaminant on crops and some of them can cause severe diseases in humans, including cancer.

Mycotoxins are a major contaminant on crops and some of them can cause severe diseases in humans, including cancer.


The most promising and exciting progress in siRNA research has been made by scientists from the University of California (USA).他们强调了双向跨语对话via siRNAs between phytopathogenic fungi and their host plant. They showed that siRNAs are widely used by辣椒灰感染1000多个寄主植物。这些siRNA被易位在植物细胞内,绕过植物防御系统,并构成了一类新型的效应蛋白参与感染。

But above all, it was shown that an拟南芥plant expresses siRNA which targetsB. cinerea在RNAi基因,能够规避真菌开发。这一发现使这些科学家开发了喷雾诱导的基因沉默(SIGS)方法。看来,通过在通常对真菌感染的植物上应用合成siRNA,您可以帮助这些植物更好地抵抗感染。


This finding has two potential openings. Firstly, a biotechnological tool could be made to silence fungal genes without the use of systems that are genetically tractable to vary gene expression, just by applying synthetic siRNAs under lab conditions. Secondly, a new way to control fungal epidemics in field could be developed through the dissemination of synthetic siRNAs by spray.


植物和真菌siRNA为生物技术和作物管理方面的许多工具开辟了道路。通过喷雾siRNAS的分散剂可以解决其他控制方法带来的许多问题。重要的是,这可能是环保控制真菌疾病的方式of crops, compared to the shockingly expensive cost of synthetic fungicides at the ecological scale.


